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Pandering for the Greater Good? Senate, People, and Politics in Cicero’s de lege agraria 1 and 2
Polis ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-14 , DOI: 10.1163/20512996-12340310
Brian Krostenko 1

Cicero’s first speeches as consul, de lege agraria I and II, delivered to the senate and the people respectively, are virtually identical in outline and broad argument. That allows the rhetorical technique of individual sections to be compared closely. This article uses such comparisons to probe the tactics and ideology of the speeches. In both Cicero’s choice of word and phrase might suggest that he is simply addressing his audiences as suits their stations. But a consideration of the circumstances of the speeches reveals instead that Cicero is directing his audiences to alternate ways of imagining their social and political positions; in effect, Cicero propounds distinct, principled, and communalist definitions of dignitas and libertas, core values of each audience – though sometimes at the price of distorting the intent of the bill.



西塞罗分别在参议院和人民大会堂上 发表的第一份演讲,分别是领事阿格莱里亚一世二世,实际上在轮廓和论点上都是相同的。这样就可以比较各个部分的修辞手法。本文使用这种比较来探讨演讲的策略和思想意识。无论从西塞罗语中选择单词还是短语,都可能暗示他只是在针对听众,以适合他们的电台。但是,对演讲情况的考虑却揭示了西塞罗正在引导他的听众以其他方式去想象他们的社会和政治立场。实际上,西塞罗(Cicero)提出了关于洋地黄libertas,每个受众的核心价值-尽管有时会以扭曲法案意图为代价。
