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Plato on Democritean Films: An Allusion to Atomism in the Phaedrus
Mnemosyne ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-03 , DOI: 10.1163/1568525x-bja10054
Robert E. Hedrick 1

Through close reading, I show that in Plato’s discussion of the lover (erastēs) and beloved (eromenos) at Phaedrus 250d-251c we can recognize an overlooked reference to the theories of the early atomist, Democritus. In particular, Plato borrows Democritus’ term for visual images/films, eidōla, while alluding to Empedocles’ similar theory of vision through effluences, aporroai. I also analyze the repeated stress on the adjective, enargēs, within the same context. Like eidōlon, the term enargēs would be picked up by later Hellenistic philosophers and become vital to their theories on criteria of truth and self-evidence, enargeia. By examining Plato’s usage of Democritus’ eidōla coupled with the adjective enargēs, first employed here in a philosophical context, we can not only better understand how Plato adapts contemporary scientific theories to suit his own philosophical principles, but also see how Democritus’ and Plato’s terminology would eventually influence Epicurus and the Stoa.



通过仔细阅读,我发现在柏拉图在Phaedrus 250d -251c上对情人(erastēs)和心爱的人(eromenos)的讨论中,我们可以认识到对早期原子学家德cri克利特Democritus)的理论的忽视。尤其是,柏拉图借用了德cri克利特斯(Democritus)的视觉影像/电影术语eidōla,同时暗指Empedocles的相似视觉理论是通过废水aporroai得出的。我还分析了在相同上下文中对形容词enargēs的反复强调。像召唤兽,术语enargēs会被后来的希腊哲学家被拾起,并成为重要的给他们的理论对真理和自我证据的标准,扩大。通过研究柏拉图对德cri克利特eidōla的用法和形容词enargēs的结合,首先是在哲学背景下使用的,我们不仅可以更好地理解柏拉图如何适应当代科学理论以适应他自己的哲学原理,而且还可以了解德Demo克利特和柏拉图的术语如何最终将影响伊壁鸠鲁和斯托阿。
