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The Emergence and Development of Persianate Sufism: Khorasan, Ninth to Twelfth Centuries
Journal of Persianate Studies ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-18 , DOI: 10.1163/18747167-bja10005
Saïd Amir Arjomand 1

This paper examines the emergence of Sufism and its differentiation from other religious trends in early Islamic Khorasan and Transoxania and traces the influence of Buddhism and Manichæism on the development of Sufism. The corresponding professionalization of the Sufi sheikhs in this formative process went hand in hand with the elaboration of Sufi mystical theory. The theoretical elaboration of Sufism consisted in the development of a theory of divine love culminating in the masterpieces of Farid al-Din ʿAttār on the eve of the Mongol invasion. The paper highlights the strong connection between Sufism and fotovvat (urban brotherhoods) during the emergence of Sufism in Khorasan and its gradual weakening that resulted from the increasing professionalization of Sufism and the formation of a distinct Persianate Sufi identity. The appropriation and transformation of royal symbolism in the Sufi texts is then analyzed in the last section.



本文考察了苏菲派的出现以及它与早期伊斯兰霍拉桑和特兰索尼亚的其他宗教趋势的区别,并追溯了佛教和摩尼教对苏菲派发展的影响。苏菲酋长在这一形成过程中的相应专业化与苏菲神秘理论的阐述齐头并进。苏菲主义的理论阐述包括神爱理论的发展,该理论最终在蒙古入侵前夕的法里德·丁·阿塔尔(Farid al-DinʿAttār)的杰作中达到顶峰。该论文强调了苏菲派与摄影之间的紧密联系苏珊主义在霍拉桑邦出现期间(城市兄弟会)及其逐渐衰弱的原因是苏非派的专业化程度不断提高,并形成了独特的波斯苏菲派身份。最后一节分析了苏菲文本中对皇家象征主义的挪用和转化。
