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The Coming of the Spirit and the Laying on of Hands: A Paradigm for Ethnic Reconciliation
Journal of Pentecostal Theology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-17 , DOI: 10.1163/17455251-02901007
Scott Lewis Adams 1

The traditional Pentecostal understanding of the events of Acts 8.4-25 typically centers upon a two-stage model for the reception of the Spirit. While this article does not seek to preclude the plausibility of such a model, it does, however, seek to take a step further by providing a culturally-sensitive analysis concerning how the coming of the Spirit, the apostolic imposition of hands (Acts 8.17), and the concept of worship in ‘spirit and truth’ (Jn 4.24) serves as a paradigm for ethnic reconciliation.



传统的五旬节式的关于使徒行传8.4-25节的理解通常集中在接受圣灵的两阶段模型上。虽然本文并未试图排除这种模式的合理性,但它的确采取了进一步的措施,即对灵性的到来,使徒施加手的举止进行了文化敏感性的分析(使徒行传8.17节) ,“精神与真理”中的敬拜概念(Jn 4.24)是民族和解的范例。
