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The Experience of God as Light in the Orthodox Tradition
Journal of Pentecostal Theology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-14 , DOI: 10.1163/17455251-02802002
Paul Ladouceur 1

This article explores the sense of John the Evangelist’s expression God is Light (1 Jn 1.5) in the Orthodox tradition, both in the experience of mystics and its theological ramifications. The article reviews the scriptural basis for the experience of God as Light and presents first-hand accounts in Symeon the New Theologian (949–1022), Seraphim of Sarov (1759–1833), Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov) (1896–1993), and Nicolae Steinhardt (1912–1989), and in Orthodox liturgical services. Beyond a metaphorical expression or a psychological experience, God as Light, often called the ‘Uncreated Light’, in Orthodox theology is considered an experience of the divine energies, as distinct from the divine essence, a theology elaborated notably by Gregory Palamas (1296–1359), and is a foretaste of union with God, ‘deification’ or theosis.



本文探讨了福音传教士约翰的表达“上帝是光明”的意义(1 Jn 1.5)在东正教传统中,无论是在神秘主义者的经历还是在神学上的分支。本文回顾了上帝作为光的经验的圣经基础,并在新神学家西蒙(949–1022),萨洛夫的塞拉芬(1759–1833),阿基米德·索弗罗尼(萨哈罗夫)(1896–1993)中介绍了第一手资料, Nicolae Steinhardt(1912–1989),以及东正教礼仪服务。除了隐喻的表达或心理体验之外,在东正教神学中,作为光的神,通常被称为“未造的光”,被认为是对神能量的一种体验,与神的本质截然不同,这是由格里高利·帕拉马斯(Gregory Palamas)精心阐述的神学(1296– 1359年),这是与上帝联合,“神化”或神化的预兆
