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Pentecostalism and Experience: History, Theology, and Practice
Journal of Pentecostal Theology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-14 , DOI: 10.1163/17455251-02802003
Lisa P. Stephenson 1

For a tradition whose identity is founded on the outpouring of the Spirit that is witnessed to in Acts 2, the emphasis Pentecostalism places on divine-human encounter should come as no surprise. The Day of Pentecost is a quintessential ‘experiential’ event that, for the Pentecostal tradition, paradigmatically creates a routine expectation of encounter with God. The following article further explores some reasons and ways in which religious experience serves as the lifeblood of the movement. The author begins by explaining why experience plays such a prominent role in Pentecostalism by surveying two descriptors of the movement employed among early North American Pentecostals. She then turns to explaining how their emphasis on religious experience takes shape, especially within the confines of their weekly worship service.



对于一项使徒行传2中所见证的精神立足于精神的传统,五旬节教派强调神与人的相遇就不足为奇了。五旬节纪念日是一个典型的“体验”事件,对于五旬节传统,范式典型地产生了与神相遇的常规期望。下一篇文章进一步探讨了宗教经验成为该运动的命脉的一些原因和方式。作者首先通过考察北美早期五旬节派运动中使用的两个运动描述符来解释经验为什么在五旬节派中扮演如此重要的角色。然后,她转向解释如何 他们对宗教经历的重视逐渐形成,尤其是在他们每周的礼拜仪式范围内。
