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Detainee Operations in Ukraine: Risk or Opportunity for International Law?
Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-19 , DOI: 10.1163/18781527-bja10023
Cristina Teleki 1

Detention operations have been a salient feature of the military conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Often referred to as exchanges or swaps of detainees, the operations leading to the simultaneous release and transfer of detainees (srtd) offer fertile terrain for inquiring about the applicability of international humanitarian law (ihl) and international human rights law (ihrl). This article attempts to fill a gap in the literature on detention operations outside the war on terror framework. It offers a chronological review of the detention operations that have taken place in Ukraine since the beginning of the military conflict. This paper then follows a classical two-step analysis first of ihl, ihrl and domestic law provisions applicable to srtds and, second, of the impact of these provisions on the human rights protection of the persons involved. The preliminary conclusions of this analysis indicate that, despite the praise of the international community for the srtds in Ukraine, human rights violations have resulted from srtds. More specifically, the legal framework under which srtds take place appears to be a ‘cocktail’ of ihl and ihrl provisions. Certainly, srtds have attracted international media coverage and support for Ukraine. At the same time, however, the ‘hidden cost’ of these operations begins to be understood as well because the legal status of many participants in the srtds appears to worsen, access to justice appears to be hampered and the independence of justice appears to be threatened as a result of these operations.



拘留行动一直是乌克兰东部军事冲突的一个显着特征。通常被称为被拘留者的交换或交换,导致同时释放和转移被拘留者的行动 ( srtd ) 为询问国际人道主义法 ( ihl ) 和国际人权法 ( ihrl )的适用性提供了沃土。本文试图填补有关反恐战争框架之外拘留行动的文献中的空白。它按时间顺序回顾了自军事冲突开始以来在乌克兰发生的拘留行动。然后本文首先对ihlihrl 进行了经典的两步分析和适用于srtd的国内法规定,其次,这些规定对相关人员人权保护的影响。该分析的初步结论表明,尽管国际社会对乌克兰的srtd表示赞赏,但侵犯人权的行为却是由srtd造成的。更具体地说,srtd发生的法律框架似乎是ihlihrl规定的“鸡尾酒” 。当然,srtd已经吸引了国际媒体对乌克兰的报道和支持。然而,与此同时,这些行动的“隐性成本”也开始被理解,因为许多srtd参与者的法律地位似乎在恶化,诉诸司法的机会似乎受到阻碍,而司法的独立性似乎也受到了影响。因这些行动而受到威胁。
