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International Humanitarian Law on the Periphery: Case of Non-state Armed Actors
Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-22 , DOI: 10.1163/18781527-bja10016
Hyeran Jo 1

Does international law matter on the periphery, where potential subjects are marginalized with uncertain legal status and without lawmaking power? Under what conditions would international law matter among the actors on the periphery, to be accepted as law, remain relevant, and eventually be complied with? By adopting an interdisciplinary perspective from international law and international relations, this article assesses how international humanitarian law (ihl) is accepted and adhered to among the non-state armed actors (nsaas). The author argues that international law matters on the periphery when two conditions are met. The first is when incentives of nsaas are compatible with ihl’s goal of restraint. The second is when the interpretation of ihl at the local level is consistent with international law at the global level. This article provides ample examples of nsaas’ words and deeds to illustrate the arguments.



国际法是否对周边地区有影响?周边地区的潜在主体被不确定的法律地位和没有立法权的边缘化了?在什么条件下,外围国家/地区的行为者之间的国际法关系重大,将被接受为法律,并保持相关性,并最终得到遵守?通过采用国际法和国际关系的跨学科视角,本文评估了国际人道主义法(ihl)如何在非国家武装力量(nsaa s)中被接受和遵守。作者认为,当满足两个条件时,国际法就​​对周边地区至关重要。第一种是当激励NSAA s为兼容国际人道法的克制目标。第二个是在地方一级对国际劳工标准的解释与全球一级的国际法一致时。本文提供了许多有关nsaa的言行的示例,以说明这些论点。
