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Beiträge zur Geschichte der Dritten Zwischenzeit
Journal of Egyptian History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-04-11 , DOI: 10.1163/18741665-12340032
Karl Jansen-Winkeln 1

In this short Beiträge three points relevant to the history of the Third Intermediate Period are presented.

1. The genealogical data of the family of the army scribe Nespaqashuty written on a fragmentary block statue from Karnak have hitherto been misunderstood. The owner of the statue is not Nespaqashuty ii, who lived in the time of Siamun, but a grandson of Amenemone i. The statue may have been dedicated by his son Ankhefenkhons during the time of Osorkon ii.

2. According to stela Cairo je 66285, the Libyan chief and later king Shoshenq i had a statue of his father Nimlot A erected in the temple of Abydos. The offering established for this statue is written with a hieroglyph simply to be read ḥtp “offering,” not ẖntj “statue” or qnyt “portable image” as proposed before.

3. Some aspects of the chronological and political relations between Bocchoris and Shabako and their predecessors Tefnakhte and Piankhy are considered as well as the supposed reason for the attack on Bocchoris by “Sabakôn.”


贝里特尔·祖尔·格希希特·德·德维兹·维申泽伊特(Beiträgezur Geschichte der Dritten Zwischenzeit)


1.迄今为止,人们误解了写在卡纳克神父的碎片雕像上的军人划线员奈斯帕卡舒蒂的家谱。雕像的拥有者不是居住在锡门时期的Nespaqashuty ii,而是Amenemone i的孙子。这座雕像可以在Osorkon的时间一直致力于通过他的儿子Ankhefenkhons II

2.根据石碑开罗JE 66285,利比亚首席后来王Shoshenq有他父亲的雕像Nimlot一个在阿比多斯神庙竖起。这个雕像建立的产品用象形文字写只是为了读HTP “的产品,”不ẖntj “雕像”或qnyt以前那样提出“便携式图像”。

