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Claiming Modernity in Mandate Palestine: A Journey Across the Mountains in the Strongholds of the Rebels
Journal of Arabic Literature ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-28 , DOI: 10.1163/1570064x-12341372
Pasquale Macaluso 1

Riḥlah bayna al-jibāl fi maʿāqil al-thāʾirīn was serialized in the Jaffa newspaper Al-Jāmiʿah al-Islāmiyyah towards the end of the 1936 Palestine revolt. Under the guise of a reportage by a Western journalist, the series successfully defied British censorship and published interviews with guerrilla commanders and rank-and-file rebels, and one of Fawzī al-Qāwuqjī’s communiqués. Following the main trend of literary reportage at that time, the author adopted a viewpoint focused on the rebels’ cause and emphasized the ability of the Arabs of Palestine to face the challenges of modernity. The narrator comments on the skills and virtues of rebel leaders and common people, rejecting the dehumanizing image that colonial officials and Western newspapers were making of them, and romantically depicting the nighttime Palestinian landscape. At the same time, the description of the insurgents’ organization projects the picture of an orderly society, equipped with the institutions and symbols that typically define modern states.



Riḥlahbaynaal-jibālfi maʿāqil al-thāʾirīn已在雅法报纸Al-Jāmiʿahal-Islāmiyyah上连载1936年巴勒斯坦叛乱结束时。该剧以西方记者的报道为幌子,成功地颠覆了英国的审查制度,并发表了对游击队指挥官和普通叛乱分子以及法兹·卡武基吉公报之一的采访。顺着当时文学报道文学的主要趋势,作者采取了以叛乱者的事业为中心的观点,并强调了巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人面对现代性挑战的能力。叙述者评论了叛乱领导人和平民百姓的技巧和美德,拒绝了殖民地官员和西方报纸对他们的不人道化印象,并浪漫地描绘了夜间的巴勒斯坦风景。同时,对叛乱者组织的描述投射出一个有序社会的景象,
