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Muwālāt and Apostasy in the Early Sokoto Caliphate
Islamic Africa ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-08 , DOI: 10.1163/21540993-00902003
Kota Kariya

‘Uthmān b. Fūdī (d. 1817) launched a jihad in Hausaland in 1804 and was successful in establishing a strong polity known as the Sokoto Caliphate. During this jihad, the Sokoto leadership clashed not only with non-Muslims but also with those who had historically been recognized as Muslims, such as the inhabitants of Bornu, a state neighboring Hausaland. Islamic law does not, in principle, permit attacks on Muslims. Therefore, to justify the jihad, the hostile Muslims had to be branded unbelievers. For that, ‘Uthmān and his successor, Muḥammad Bello (d. 1837), developed and instituted a provision on apostasy based on the idea of muwālāt (friendship) with unbelievers. This stipulation emerged as a substantial regulation legalizing the violence committed by the Sokoto leaders on Muslims who were opposed to them both within and outside the early Caliphate.



乌斯曼湾 富迪(卒于1817年)于1804年在豪萨兰(Hausaland)发起了圣战,并成功地建立了强大的政体,称为索科托·哈里发(Sokoto Caliphate)。在这场圣战中,索科托领导人不仅与非穆斯林发生冲突,而且还与历来被认为是穆斯林的人们发生冲突,例如与豪萨兰相邻的邦努(Bornu)居民。原则上,伊斯兰法律不允许袭击穆斯林。因此,为了证明圣战的正当性,敌对的穆斯林必须贴上不信教徒的烙印。为此,'Uthmān及其继任者MuḥammadBello(卒于1837年)基于muwālāt的思想制定并制定了关于背教的规定。(友谊)与不信的人。这一规定作为一项实质性法规而出现,使索科托领导人对在哈里发早期和以后反对穆斯林的暴力行为合法化。
