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A Note on Tree Worship in the Zaza Folk Beliefs
IRAN and the CAUCASUS ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-27 , DOI: 10.1163/1573384x-20200406
Victoria Arakelova

The article presents some historical evidence about the veneration of individual trees, primarily the juniper and the oak-trees, traditionally considered to be sacred in the Zaza culture, as well as generally groves and forests. Unfortunately, the once vast and rich forestal covering of the Zazas’ main habitat in Dersim (Tunceli), which was a proverbial phenomenon still in the beginning of the 20th century, has been almost totally exterminated as a result of the mistreatment by the Turkish government. The folk beliefs related to tree worship have also been considerably erased from the people’s memory, lingering on only among the elderly in the remote mountain villages as a dwindling echo of the past.



这篇文章提供了一些历史证据,说明了传统上在Zaza文化中被视为神圣的单个树木(主要是杜松树和橡树)的崇拜,以及一般的小树林和森林。不幸的是,由于扎扎斯在德西姆(Tunceli)的主要栖息地曾经是一片辽阔而丰富的森林,这仍然是20世纪初的一种普遍现象,由于土耳其政府的虐待,它几乎被彻底灭绝了。 。与树崇拜有关的民间信仰也已从人们的记忆中被大大抹去,仅在偏远山区村庄的老年人中间徘徊,以回荡过去。
