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Admired Adversary: Wrestling with Grotius the Exegete in Cotton Mather’s Biblia Americana (1693–1728)
Grotiana ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-16 , DOI: 10.1163/18760759-04101010
Jan Stievermann 1

This essay examines the reception of Grotius’s pioneering Annotata ad Vetus Testamentum (1644) in the ‘Biblia Americana’ (1693–1728), a scriptural commentary written by the New England theologian Cotton Mather (1663–1728). Mather engaged with Grotius on issues of translation, biblical authorship, inspiration, the canon, and the legitimate forms of interpreting the Hebrew Bible as Christian Scripture. While frequently relying on the Dutch Arminian humanist in discussing philological problems or contextual questions, Mather (as a self-declared defender of Reformed orthodoxy) in many cases rejected, ignored, or significantly modified Grotius’s farther-reaching conclusions on dogmatically sensitive topics. This strategy marks Mather’s ‘Biblia Americana’ as an exemple of a highly sophisticated but ultimately apologetic type of biblical criticism in the context of the early Enlightenment in British North America.



本文探讨了Grotius的开创性Annotata ad Vetus Testamentum的接受情况(1644)在“新美国圣经”(1693–1728)中发表,是新英格兰神学家卡特·马瑟(Cotton Mather)(1663–1728)撰写的经文注释。马瑟(Mather)与格罗蒂乌斯(Grotius)就翻译,圣经作者身份,灵感,经典,以及将希伯来圣经解释为基督教圣经的合法形式等问题进行了接触。尽管经常依靠荷兰亚美尼亚人文主义者来讨论语言学问题或情境问题,但马瑟(作为自称是改革宗正统派的辩护人)在许多情况下拒绝,忽略或大大修改了格罗蒂乌斯关于教义敏感主题的更深远的结论。这种策略标志着马瑟(Mather)的“美国大比利亚”(Biblia Americana)是英国北美洲早期启蒙运动背景下高度复杂但最终道歉的圣经批评的典范。
