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Executing Calyphas: Gender, Discipline, and Sovereignty in 2 Tamburlaine
Explorations in Renaissance Culture ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-28 , DOI: 10.1163/23526963-04402001
Timothy A. Turner 1

This essay situates the execution of Calyphas in 2 Tamburlaine in the context of the gendered disciplinary regimes imposed by Tamburlaine in his quest for global empire. The execution bears a double significance: a father disciplines his son and, simultaneously, a sovereign military commander exercises martial law. In this doubling, the episode fuses a number of related issues in the history of sovereignty, especially key concepts addressed in Michel Foucault’s The History of Sexuality and later taken up by Giorgio Agamben in works such as Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life. By putting these historical models into dialogue with a revised account of the play’s source materials, this essay argues that Marlowe stages the violence embedded in both absolutist and republican models of governance when they are premised on the rigid enforcement of hierarchical disciplinary regimes.



本文根据坦布拉伯因寻求全球帝国而实行的性别纪律制度的背景下,在坦布拉伯因2中执行了Calyphas 。处决具有双重意义:父亲对儿子进行纪律处分,同时,一位主权军事指挥官行使戒严令。在这一翻倍中,这一集融合了主权历史上的许多相关问题,尤其是米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)的《性历史》The History of Sexuality)中提出的关键概念,后来乔治·阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben)在《智者》Homo Sacer:Sovereign Power)和《光秃的生命》(Bare Life)等作品中采用。通过对这些历史模式进行对话,并修改了剧本的原始资料,本文认为,马洛在建立严格的分级纪律制度的前提下,会上演专制政党和共和党执政模式所蕴含的暴力。
