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Compulsory Vaccination and the Turkish Constitutional Court
European Journal of Health Law ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-21 , DOI: 10.1163/15718093-bja10030
Engin Yıldırım 1

As vaccine hesitancy is on the rise around the world, apex courts in some countries have confronted the difficult task of striking a fair balance between individual rights and the common good. Against this background, the article discusses the compulsory vaccination cases heard by the Turkish Constitutional Court (TCC). The TCC’s case law illustrates that any interference with bodily integrity must first comply with the principle of lawfulness and its rulings addressed an important shortage of the current Turkish compulsory childhood vaccination policy. The article suggests that the principle of lawfulness in compulsory vaccination cases should not be taken lightly, even if it serves compelling public interests.



由于疫苗犹豫在世界范围内呈上升趋势,一些国家的最高法院面临着在个人权利和共同利益之间取得公平平衡的艰巨任务。在此背景下,本文讨论了土耳其宪法法院 ( TCC )审理的强制疫苗接种案件。在TCC的判例法显示,随着身体的完整性的任何干扰必须首先遵守合法性原则和它的裁决解决当前土耳其强制儿童疫苗接种政策的一个重要不足。文章提出,强制接种疫苗的合法性原则不应掉以轻心,即使它服务于迫在眉睫的公共利益。
