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The Lutheran Theology of Ordained Ministry in the Finnish Context
Ecclesiology ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-12 , DOI: 10.1163/17455316-bja10001
Tomi Karttunen 1

Martin Luther’s ordination formulary (1539) followed the early Church in its essential elements of the word, prayer, and the laying on of hands. Ordination was also strongly epicletic, including the invocation of the Holy Spirit. Although Luther did not understand ordination as a sacrament, he affirmed its effective, instrumental character. The Lutheran Reformation retained bishops, but the Augsburg Confession’s article concerning ministry did not mention episcopacy. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland’s ordination is by a bishop through the word, prayer, and laying on of hands. Ordination is not merely the public confirmation of vocation but an instrumental and sacramentally effective act, in which benediction confers the ministry. If the Church is Christ’s presence and the incarnate Word is the basic sacrament in Lutheran-Roman Catholic dialogue, is a differentiated consensus possible concerning the ministry of word and sacrament, and ordination within this context, as a means of grace indwelt by God?



马丁·路德(Martin Luther)的任命公式(1539)遵循了早期的教会的基本要素,即单词,祈祷和手掌。戒律也很活跃,包括圣灵的召唤。尽管路德不把圣训理解为圣礼,但他确认圣训是有效的工具性。路德宗教改革运动保留了主教,但奥格斯堡自白的有关事奉的文章没有提到主教制。芬兰福音派路德教会的主教由一位主教通过言语,祈祷和双手合十。任命不仅是对职业的公开确认,而且是一种有益的,圣礼上有效的行为,在这种行为中,祝福赋予了事工。
