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The Astronomia Olympi novi and the Theologia Cabalistica: Two Pseudo-Paracelsian Works of the Philosophia Mystica (1618)
Early Science and Medicine ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-06 , DOI: 10.1163/15733823-02456p07
Martin Žemla 1

The Astronomia Olympi novi andthe Theologia Cabalistica were published as part of the Philosophia Mystica (1618). This influential collection of Paracelsian and Weigelian texts was among the first to include a publication of the theologica of Paracelsus. Both of these short pseudo-Paracelsian works were written by Adam Haslmayr (1560-1630), the propagator of the “Theophrastia Sancta,” a philosophical theology of Paracelsus mixed with Weigelian and alchemical influences. These works, taken in the Philosophia Mystica,are among the very few of his texts that appeared in print in his lifetime. In this paper, the content of both pseudepigrapha is analyzed and related to ideas found in both the authentic and the pseudepigraphic works of Paracelsus, as well as in relevant works of some Paracelsians (Khunrath, Figulus, Weigel, Croll, Siebmacher and Mögling). Specifically, the notions of the “Olympus novus” and the “cabalistic principles” are discussed in a wider context.



天文学Olympi诺维神学Cabalistica已作为所述的部分philosophia的Mystica的(1618)。这份极富影响力的Paracelsian和Weigelian文献集是最早出版Paracelsus神学著作的刊物之一。这两本简短的伪Paraacelsian著作都是由亚当·哈斯尔玛(Adam Haslmayr,1560-1630年)撰写的,亚当·哈斯迈尔是“ Theophrastia Sancta”的传播者。这些作品取材于《神秘哲学》是他一生中出版的极少数文本。在本文中,分析了假名的内容,并与在Paracelsus的真品和伪名作品以及某些Paracelsians(Khunrath,Figulus,Weigel,Croll,Siebmacher和Mögling)的相关作品中发现的思想相关联。具体而言,将在更广泛的上下文中讨论“ Olympus novus ”和“ cabalistic原理”的概念。
