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Dewey and Conservativism: Reading Liberalism and Social Action in Light of Vannatta’s Conservatism and Pragmatism
Contemporary Pragmatism ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-03 , DOI: 10.1163/18758185-01501125
Justin Bell 1

Seth Vannatta argues that there can be a fruitful synthesis of pragmatism and classical conservatism. In doing this, he focuses the methodological commitments of pragmatism and conservatism. However, I will demonstrate with a reading of Dewey’s Liberalism and Social Action that other commitments might prevent this synthesis—at least a synthesis between the thought of John Dewey and Edmund Burke. My conclusion is that pragmatism and conservativism might travel parallel to one another but that we have good reasons for keeping some separation between the theories based upon their fundamental commitments. Deweyan pragmatism remains tied to democracy; conservatism remains tied to history.



塞思·凡纳塔(Seth Vannatta)认为,实用主义和古典保守主义可以有一个富有成果的综合。为此,他着重于实用主义和保守主义的方法论承诺。但是,我将通过阅读杜威的自由主义和社会行动来证明其他承诺可能会阻止这种综合-至少是约翰·杜威和埃德蒙·伯克思想之间的综合。我的结论是,实用主义和保守主义可能会相互平行,但我们有充分的理由根据其基本承诺在理论之间保持一定的分离。杜威扬的实用主义仍然与民主息息相关。保守主义仍然与历史息息相关。
