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Middle Bronze Age Long Distance Exchange through Europe and Beyond: Beads of Egyptian and Mesopotamian Glass Reaching Denmark in the 14th Century BC
Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-18 , DOI: 10.1163/15700577-12341372
Flemming Kaul 1

The introduction of the folding stool and the single-edged razor into Southern Scandinavia, as well as the testimony of chariot use during the Nordic Bronze Age Period II (1500-1300 BC), give evidence of the transfer of ideas from the Mediterranean to the North. Recent analyses of the chemical composition of blue glass beads from well-dated Danish Bronze Age burials have revealed evidence for the opening of long distance exchange routes around 1400 BC between Egypt, Mesopotamia and South Scandinavia. When including comparative material from glass workshops in Egypt and finds of glass from Mesopotamia, it becomes clear that glass from those distant lands reached Scandinavia. The routes of exchange can be traced through Europe based on finds of amber from the North and glass from the South.



将折叠凳和单刃剃刀引入北欧斯堪的纳维亚半岛,以及在北欧青铜时代II(1500-1300 BC)期间使用战车的证词,提供了从地中海向地中海转移思想的证据。北。最近对日期良好的丹麦青铜时代墓葬中蓝色玻璃珠化学成分的分析表明,有证据表明在公元前1400左右开通了长途交换路线在埃及,美索不达米亚和南斯堪的那维亚之间。当包括埃及玻璃工场的比较材料和美索不达米亚的玻璃发现时,很明显,那些遥远的土地上的玻璃到达了斯堪的纳维亚半岛。可以根据从北部发现的琥珀和从南部发现的玻璃来追溯到整个欧洲的交换路线。
