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Effects of strong magnetic field on the formation of wakes in thermal QCD
International Journal of Modern Physics A ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-12 , DOI: 10.1142/s0217751x21500457
Mujeeb Hasan 1 , Binoy Krishna Patra 1

We have investigated how the wakes in the induced charge density and in the potential due to the passage of highly energetic partons through a thermal QCD medium get affected by the presence of strong magnetic field (B). For that purpose, we wish to analyze first the dielectric responses of the medium both in presence and absence of strong magnetic field. Therefore, we have revisited the general form for the gluon self-energy tensor at finite temperature and finite magnetic field and then calculate the relevant structure functions at finite temperature and strong magnetic field limit (SMF: |qfB| T2 as well as |qfB| mf2, qf(mf) is the electric charge (mass) of fth flavor). We found that for slow moving partons, the real part of dielectric function is not affected by the magnetic field whereas for fast moving partons, for small |k|, it becomes very large and approaches towards its counterpart at B = 0, for large |k|. On the other hand the imaginary part is decreased for both slow and fast moving partons, due to the fact that the imaginary contribution due to quark loop vanishes. With these ingredients, we found that the oscillation in the (scaled) induced charge density, due to the very fast partons becomes less pronounced in the presence of strong magnetic field whereas for smaller parton velocity, no significant change is observed. For the (scaled) wake potential along the motion of fast moving partons (which is of Lennard–Jones (LJ-)type), the depth of negative minimum in the backward region gets reduced drastically, resulting in the reduction of the amplitude of oscillation. On the other hand in the forward region, it remains as the screened Coulomb one, except the screening now becomes much stronger for higher parton velocity. Similarly for the wake potential transverse to the motion of partons in both forward and backward regions, the depth of LJ potential for fast moving partons gets decreased severely, but still retains the forward–backward symm etry. However, for lower parton velocity, the magnetic field does not affect it significantly.



我们研究了由于高能部分通过热 QCD 介质而引起的感应电荷密度和电势中的尾流如何受到强磁场的影响(). 为此,我们希望首先分析介质在存在和不存在强磁场时的介电响应。因此,我们重新审视了有限温度和有限磁场下胶子自能张量的一般形式,然后计算了有限温度和强磁场极限下的相关结构函数(SMF:|qF| 2|qF| F2,qF(F)是电荷(质量)F味道)。我们发现对于慢速运动的部分,介电函数的实部不受磁场的影响,而对于快速运动的部分,对于小|ķ|,它变得非常大并且在 = 0, 对于大|ķ|. 另一方面,由于夸克环的虚部贡献消失了,慢速和快速移动的部分的虚部都减少了。使用这些成分,我们发现(按比例)感应电荷密度的振荡,由于非常快的部分子在强磁场存在下变得不那么明显,而对于较小的部分子速度,没有观察到显着变化。对于沿快速运动部分(Lennard-Jones (LJ-) 型)运动的(缩放的)尾流势,后向区域的负最小值深度急剧减小,导致振荡幅度减小. 另一方面,在前向区域中,它仍然是屏蔽的库仑,除了现在屏蔽变得更强,因为更高的部分速度。类似地,对于横向于前向和后向区域的部分运动的尾流势,快速移动部分的 LJ 势的深度显着减小,但仍保持前后对称。然而,对于较低的子速度,磁场对其影响不大。