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Facies architecture and time stratigraphic relationships of a confined trunk-tributary valley fill and unconfined fluvial system in the backwater of the Turonian Ferron-Notom Delta, Utah, U.S.A.
Journal of Sedimentary Research ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-31 , DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2020.76
David Kynaston 1 , Janok P. Bhattacharya 1 , Brad S. Singer 1 , Brian R. Jicha 1

This paper documents a tidally incised, mudstone-prone tributary valley fill linked to a trunk valley in the backwater limit of the Turonian Notom Delta of the Ferron Sandstone Member, Utah. High-resolution 3D photogrammetry models were used to correlate a 20-m-deep valley between 32 measured sections over a 1 km2 area. A GPS survey and GIS geostatistical tools were used to restore the morphology of the tributary valley. The restored valley floor is interpreted as a surface of tidal erosion, based on the overlying facies and surface morphology. Morphological similarities exist between this tributary valley and modern analogs observed in northern Australia, the Memramcook tributary in the Bay of Fundy, and Pleistocene sediments in the Gulf of Thailand.40Ar/39Ar dating of sanidine crystals using multi-collector mass spectrometry allow for a re-evaluation of depositional rates and timing of 32 fluvial aggradation cycles (FACs) and 9 fluvial-aggradation cycle sets (FAC sets) in this sequence. The new dates show that the entire sequence was deposited in 15 ± 5 kyr, and show that Milankovitch cycles cannot account for the internal complexity of this fluvial stratigraphy, indicating likely autogenic control of the FAC sets. The lateral extent of FACs in floodplain deposits mapped in outcrop are correlated over tens to hundreds of meters, and scale to estimated channel widths reflecting the autogenic control. FAC sets can be correlated for up to 10 km along depositional strike, which suggest controls unrelated to the dynamics of individual channels and may show some elements of allogenic climate-driven processes.



本文记录了一条潮汐切割的,易发生泥石流的支流河谷填充物,该河谷流域与犹他州Ferron砂岩成员的Turonian Notom三角洲的回水极限处的主干谷相连。高分辨率3D摄影测量模型用于关联1平方公里区域中32个测量区域之间20米深的山谷。使用GPS测量和GIS地统计工具恢复了支流谷的形态。根据上覆相和表面形态,恢复后的谷底被解释为潮汐侵蚀的表面。该支流谷与在澳大利亚北部观测到的现代类似物,芬迪湾的Memramcook支流和泰国湾的更新世沉积物之间存在形态上的相似之处。使用多收集器质谱对Sanidine晶体进行40Ar / 39Ar定年,可以重新评估沉积速率和此序列中32个河流凝集循环(FAC)和9个河流凝集循环组(FAC组)的时间。新的日期表明整个序列沉积在15±5 kyr,并且表明Milankovitch旋回不能解释这种河流地层学的内部复杂性,表明可能是FAC组的自成岩控制。露头上测绘的洪泛区沉积物中FAC的横向范围在数十到数百米之间相关,并缩放到反映自生控制的估计河道宽度。沿着沉积走向,FAC集合最多可以关联10 km,