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La contagion du réel (2014) de Gaëtan Brulotte ou la valorisation de la réalité corporelle
American Review of Canadian Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1080/02722011.2020.1848001
Steven Urquhart


This article examines the importance that bodily materialism occupies in three representative short stories taken from La contagion du réel while highlighting the implicit and explicit criticism of religious dogma that can be found within them and the collection as a whole. The three stories examined here, situated at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the collection, correspond to the Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real, or the three elements composing the Borromean knot that Jacques Lacan attributes to the structure of the Subject. This article shows the extent to which the Real, which Lacan associates with the impossible, corresponds to the changing and unforeseeable nature of material life and underlines the importance of paying attention to it. To conclude, I insist on the relationship between the Real and the ambiguity of the last text in the collection, which recalls at once a short story and an editorial note.


réla la contagion duréel(2014年),加蓬·布鲁洛特(Galotan Brulotte)


