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Challenges in Nigeria’s education sector and the migration of Nigerian postgraduate students to South African universities
Cogent Social Sciences ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-14 , DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2021.1890897
Joseph O. IseOlorunkanmi 1, 2 , Mathew E. Rotimi 3 , Grace O. Adebola 4 , Adedoyin I. Lawal 5, 6 , Nweke-Love C. Henry 3, 7 , Tunde Adebisi 8


Education remains the weapon for upward stratification, social and economic development of any nation but the Nigerian government has not shown enough commitment to the educational sector. The manifestation could be seen in the shrinking government funding on education, decaying and lack of infrastructure in Nigeria’s universities which have led to demoralization of the academia. A major consequence of this is the frustration experienced by postgraduate students who are pursuing higher education and having to spend longer period than expected record time. This frustration in pursuing higher educational qualification often leads to stunted career progression. This has led to an alternative decision to migrate in search of higher education abroad. Consequently, in recent times, Nigerian postgraduate students have migrated more than ever before to South African Universities that are believed to have modern facilities for training and ensuring completion of programmes in record time. This study employed the use of structured questionnaire to investigate the determinants of this form of migration. Among other findings, this study found that the decision to migrate and pursue postgraduate student abroad is informed by the demoralization and frustration suffered in attaining postgraduate education in Nigeria. The study also found that many Nigerian postgraduate migrant students that desired to stay back in South Africa after the programme were discouraged from doing so because of the frequent hostilities between the bulging South African youths. Their hostility is associated with the shrinking capacity of the host government (South Africa) to create new jobs for them. In addition, the belief of the agitating South African youth that the migrant postgraduates are responsible for their unemployed status, by taking up their jobs especially in those areas where required skills among the South African are lacking further gingers hostilities. This study, therefore, suggests among others that the home country should increase budgetary allocation to improve the education sector as well as monitor such allocation to ensure that it is prudently utilized. It is also recommended that institutional processes and procedures to monitor and evaluate postgraduate studies in Nigerian universities be institutionalized.




教育仍然是任何国家向上分层,社会和经济发展的武器,但尼日利亚政府尚未对教育部门表现出足够的决心。可以从政府用于教育的资金减少,尼日利亚大学的腐败和基础设施匮乏导致学术界士气低落的情况中看到这种表现。这样做的主要后果是,追求高等教育并且必须花费比预期的创纪录时间更长的时间的研究生感到沮丧。追求更高学历的这种挫败感常常导致职业发展受阻。这导致了另一种决定迁移到国外寻求高等教育的决定。因此,最近 尼日利亚的研究生比以往任何时候都迁移到了南非的大学,据信这些大学拥有现代化的培训设施,可确保在创纪录的时间内完成课程。这项研究使用结构化问卷调查这种迁移形式的决定因素。除其他发现外,该研究还发现,在尼日利亚进行研究生教育的过程中,士气低落和沮丧使他们决定向国外迁移和继续深造。该研究还发现,由于不断膨胀的南非青年之间经常发生敌对行动,许多希望在该计划结束后留在南非的尼日利亚研究生移民学生不愿这样做。他们的敌意与东道国政府(南非)为他们创造新工作的能力下降有关。此外,令人鼓舞的南非青年相信,移徙研究生应通过从事工作来应对自己的失业状况,特别是在南非姜缺乏敌对行动所需技能的那些地区。因此,这项研究建议,除其他外,母国应增加预算拨款以改善教育部门,并监督这种拨款以确保谨慎使用。还建议将监督和评估尼日利亚大学研究生学习的体制过程和程序制度化。令人鼓舞的南非青年相信,移民研究生应通过担任工作来应对自己的失业状况,特别是在南非姜缺乏敌对能力的那些地区。因此,这项研究建议,除其他外,母国应增加预算拨款以改善教育部门,并监督这种拨款以确保谨慎使用。还建议将监督和评估尼日利亚大学研究生学习的体制过程和程序制度化。令人鼓舞的南非青年相信,移民研究生应通过担任工作来应对自己的失业状况,特别是在南非姜缺乏敌对能力的那些地区。因此,这项研究建议,除其他外,母国应增加预算拨款以改善教育部门,并监督这种拨款以确保谨慎使用。还建议将监督和评估尼日利亚大学研究生学习的体制过程和程序制度化。因此,这项研究建议,除其他外,母国应增加预算拨款以改善教育部门,并监督这种拨款以确保谨慎使用。还建议将监督和评估尼日利亚大学研究生学习的体制过程和程序制度化。因此,这项研究建议,除其他外,母国应增加预算拨款以改善教育部门,并监督这种拨款以确保谨慎使用。还建议将监督和评估尼日利亚大学研究生学习的体制过程和程序制度化。
