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Kings, Lords, and Courts in Anglo‐Norman England. By Nicholas Karn. Boydell & Brewer. 2020. xii + 259pp. £60.00.
History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1111/1468-229x.13134

The focus of Karn's Kings, Lords, and Courts in Anglo‐Norman England is the transformation of the legal landscape of England, whereby the dominance of hundred and shire courts was replaced in the twelfth century by a more complex picture, caused by a proliferation of lords’ courts, alongside the hundred and the shire. The developments which led to the creation of these private courts have yet to be adequately explained. Karn aims to fill this gap in the historiography and he has approached this task with considered scholarly perception and great clarity of expression.

The opening four chapters form the central workings and argument of Karn's model of change in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, with lords creating their own courts either through subtracting business predominantly from the hundred or even by taking control of the hundred itself. The agency in the creation of these courts appears to have rested firmly with the lords themselves, with the establishment of lords’ courts based upon the horizontal competition between lords as opposed to a vertical clash with kings (p. 77). This argument is one of the most important aspects of Karn's book, since it challenges previous readings of private courts as threats to royal power and as a result of the struggle between lords and kings. The competition that existed between lords was largely rooted in their desire to monopolise control over those whom they saw as their dependants and against the interference of others, resulting in peasants becoming increasingly tied to a single lord.

The introduction outlines the central arguments of the book, and the opening two chapters provide the background to the creation of private courts, discussing how lordship worked in England prior to 1066 and the aims and priorities of lords in relation to their dependants and courts. These three sections draw on the existing historiography, providing pithy summaries of several significant and related historiographical debates, which, thanks to Karn's lucid style, make them perfect introductions to the field for undergraduate students. An interesting parallel is drawn in chapter 2 between the creation of lords’ courts and the proliferation of parish churches (pp. 55–9). In chapter 3 Karn builds upon this initial work, outlining how a lord might have gained influence within or even control of a hundred. Chapter 4 then addresses how lords created courts for their own men and subtracted business from the hundred, placing particular emphasis on the development of the idea that a court could be ‘owned’ by an individual (p. 163). These two chapters form the heart of Karn's work, outlining how lords established their own courts, with the resulting creations having a significant impact upon lords’ relationships with their dependants.

With the preceding discussion predominantly focusing upon lords, it is with chapter 5 that the king is first properly introduced into the picture, when the analysis turns to how the spread of different courts led to jurisdictional debate, with royal authority often being sought as a means of resolving these disputes. Karn views the power of the king as being extended via these requests, though not as a result of the king actively seeking to increase his power, but rather as a response to the appeals of others (p. 151). Chapter 6 then outlines the royal response to the creation of private courts and the weakening of the hundred, arguing that a series of decrees from 1108 were designed to mark out a specific role for the king in the new legal landscape, possibly as a consequence of a bargain with his elites (p. 165). Karn argues that Henry was the first king to state, at least explicitly, the idea that the hundred belonged to him (pp. 152–3), and in doing so Henry made a distinction between curia, having a court, and placitum, holding a plea (p. 173), which allowed him oversight of issues such as theft and murder without interfering in lords’ courts (p. 206).

Chapter 7 is arguably the finest of this impressive book, with Karn seeking to demonstrate how and when royal justices appeared for the first time early in Henry's reign. These officials resided in the localities and were tasked with pursuing the king's claims, with the evidence for these justices being set out in a useful appendix. The primary purpose of the book is to account for the proliferation of lords’ courts, but what Karn has to say about kings is equally as thought‐provoking, having implications for our understanding of the nature of kingship and the priorities of the king.

The main weakness of Karn's book is the place of the shire court within his argument. It rather drifts in and out, with little comment being made upon the effect of lords’ courts upon the shire. The justification for this is that the impact upon the hundred was far greater, though it would have been advantageous for this to have been spelled out in more detail. Chapter 5 may also have benefited from further discussion of the shire court, as the shire's existence at least raises the possibility that there might have been some jurisdictional debate prior to the twelfth century.

Overall, this work deserves considerable praise and ought to be widely read. The findings have implications for our understanding of lordship, peasant status, royal authority, and the development of the manor, with these changes having a significant impact upon later medieval England. It is hoped that this erudite consideration of the ‘subtle’ and ‘deep’ changes which reshaped the legal landscape of England will be a catalyst for further study (p. 207), building upon Karn's work to enhance our understanding of the wider effects of the transformations he has identified and explained. Karn's findings now ought to be integrated with the socio‐economic developments that occurred during the eleventh and twelfth centuries.


英国盎格鲁诺曼帝国的国王,上议院和法院。尼古拉斯·卡恩(Nicholas Karn)。博伊德尔和布鲁尔。2020年。xii + 259pp。£60.00。







