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Individual and contextual factors associated with bicyclist injury severity in traffic incidents between bicyclists and motorists in Chile
Accident Analysis & Prevention ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2021.106077
Damian Chandia-Poblete 1 , Robert L Hill 2 , Nicolas Aguilar-Farias 3 , Kristiann C Heesch 4

Bicyclists are vulnerable road users who risk incurring severe injuries from traffic incidents involving motorists. However, the prevalence of severe bicycle injuries varies across countries and is not well-documented in Latin American countries. Studies from developed countries outside of Latin America have shown that individual and contextual factors are associated with severe injuries incurred by bicyclists in road traffic incidents with motorists, but it is not clear whether these factors are the same as those incurred by Latin American bicyclists. Moreover, most studies on bicyclist-motorist traffic incidents have treated injury severity as a binary variable for analysis although injuries range widely in severity. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of bicycle injuries from incidents between motorists and bicyclists in Chile and examine the associations between individual and contextual factors and bicyclist injury severity, treated as an ordinal outcome variable, in these incidents. Data on road traffic incidents between bicyclists and motorists from the 2016 Traffic Accident of Bicycle Riders and Consequences database of the Chilean Transport Ministry were analysed. Multilevel mixed-effects ordinal regression models were used to examine associations. In total, 81.2 % of 4093 traffic incidents between bicyclists and motorists resulted in nonfatal injuries to bicyclists and another 2.3 % resulted in fatalities. Most incidents involved collisions (84.3 %), and most were due to a motorist being distracted while driving (50.4 %). Severe bicyclist injuries were more likely when the incident involved a stationary cyclist who was struck, a collision between a moving bicycle and a moving motor vehicle, or an overturning motor vehicle striking a bicyclist (p < 0.001). Other factors included the motorist driving under the influence of alcohol (p = 0.05), the incident taking place in a mid-size community (p = 0.04), the incident occurring between 7:00 pm and 4:59 am (p < 0.01), and the injured bicyclist being under 18 years or 45+ years of age (p < 0.05). These findings suggest the need for educational programs that promote safe driving behaviour in the presence of bicyclists, better enforcement of laws and higher penalties for distracted or drunk driving, and provision of high-quality exclusive bicyclist infrastructure to address the vulnerability of the youngest and oldest bicyclists on shared roads, particularly in mid-size communities, and to provide better lighting on bikeways for evening bicycling, to reduce the high incidence of severe bicyclist injuries in motorist-bicyclist incidents.



骑自行车的人是易受伤害的道路使用者,他们可能因涉及驾车者的交通事故而遭受严重伤害。但是,严重的自行车伤害发生率在各个国家之间不尽相同,并且在拉丁美洲国家中没有得到充分的记录。来自拉丁美洲以外的发达国家的研究表明,个人和背景因素与骑自行车的人在与驾驶员的道路交通事故中遭受的严重伤害有关,但是尚不清楚这些因素是否与拉丁美洲的骑自行车的人所造成的伤害相同。此外,尽管伤害的严重程度范围很广,但大多数有关骑车人和机动车交通事故的研究都将伤害的严重程度作为分析的二元变量。这项研究的目的是确定智利驾车者和骑自行车的人之间的自行车交通事故患病率,并检查这些事故中个人和背景因素与自行车骑手受伤严重程度之间的关联(作为有序的结局变量)。分析了智利交通运输部2016年自行车车手交通事故和后果数据库中骑自行车者和驾车者之间道路交通事故的数据。多级混合效应序数回归模型用于检验关联。骑自行车者与驾车者之间的4093次交通事故中,总共有81.2%造成自行车手非致命性伤害,另有2.3%导致死亡。大多数事故涉及碰撞(84.3%),并且大多数是由于驾驶者在开车时分心(50.4%)。当事故涉及到被撞的固定自行车手,行进中的自行车与行进中的汽车之间的碰撞,或翻倒的汽车撞击了骑行者时,骑自行车者遭受重伤的可能性更大(p <0.001)。其他因素包括在酒精影响下的驾驶者驾驶(p = 0.05),在中型社区发生的事件(p = 0.04),在7:00 pm至4:59 am之间发生的事件(p <0.01 ),受伤的自行车手未满18岁或45岁以上(p <0.05)。这些发现表明,需要有一些教育计划来促进在骑自行车的人在场的情况下的安全驾驶行为,更好地执行法律以及对分心或酒后驾驶处以更高的罚款,
