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The politics of the Hajj organisation in Senegal: security, legitimation and clientelism
Journal of Modern African Studies ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1017/s0022278x20000622
Cédric Jourde , Marie Brossier , Muriel Gomez-Perez

This article analyses how the state in Senegal has managed the hajj since the liberalisation era in the early 2000s. Although the essence of the hajj is religious, it is also deeply political and requires that the state manages complex relations with pilgrims, religious leaders, private travel agencies, politicians and Saudi authorities. This article argues that three inter-related imperatives structure the conduct of the Senegalese state: a security imperative, a legitimation imperative, and a clientelistic imperative. Security concerns lead the state to monitor and control pilgrims travelling to Mecca. Legitimation is seen in the collaborative relations with Sûfi orders and in the framing of the hajj organisation as a ‘public service’. Finally, given the magnitude of financial and symbolic resources attached to the hajj, clientelistic relations are constitutive of state officials’ actions. Overall, despite the post-2000 liberalisation of the hajj, the state has maintained its role as a gatekeeper, regulator and supervisor.



本文分析了自 2000 年代初的自由化时代以来,塞内加尔政府如何管理朝觐。尽管朝觐的本质是宗教性的,但它也具有深刻的政治性,需要国家管理与朝圣者、宗教领袖、私人旅行社、政治家和沙特当局的复杂关系。本文认为,三个相互关联的命令构成了塞内加尔国家的行为:安全命令、合法化命令和依附命令。安全问题导致该州监视和控制前往麦加的朝圣者。合法性体现在与苏菲教团的合作关系以及将朝觐组织视为“公共服务”的框架中。最后,鉴于与朝觐相关的财政和象征性资源的规模,依附关系是国家官员行为的组成部分。总体而言,尽管 2000 年后朝觐自由化,国家仍保持其作为看门人、监管者和监督者的角色。