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Global Imbalances and Policy Wars at the Zero Lower Bound
The Review of Economic Studies ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1093/restud/rdab015
Ricardo J Caballero 1 , Emmanuel Farhi 2 , Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas 3

This article explores the consequences of extremely low real interest rates in a world with integrated but heterogeneous capital markets, nominal rigidities, and an effective lower bound [a zero lower bound (ZLB) for simplicity]. We establish four main results: (1) At the ZLB, creditor countries export their recession abroad, which we illustrate with a new Metzler diagram in quantities; (2) Beggar-thy-neighbour currency and trade wars provide stimulus to the undertaking country at the expense of other countries; (3) (Safe) public debt issuances and increases in government spending anywhere are expansionary everywhere; and (4) When there is a scarcity of safe assets, net issuers of these assets import the recession from abroad.



本文探讨了在一个具有一体化但异质资本市场、名义刚性和有效下限[为简单起见为零下限 (ZLB)] 的世界中,极低实际利率的后果。我们建立了四个主要结果:(1)在 ZLB,债权国将其衰退出口到国外,我们用新的梅茨勒图来说明数量;(2)以邻为壑的货币和贸易战为承诺国提供刺激,损害了其他国家的利益;(3) 任何地方的(安全的)公共债务发行和政府支出的增加在任何地方都是扩张性的;(4)当安全资产稀缺时,这些资产的净发行人从国外输入衰退。