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Assessing the spatial distribution of five non-commercial fish species in the Aegean Sea (Greece, eastern Mediterranean Sea) based on discards data
Regional Studies in Marine Science ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rsma.2021.101736
Smaragda Despoti , Konstantinos I. Stergiou , Athanassios Machias , Vassiliki Vassilopoulou , Konstantinos Tsagarakis , Vasilis Valavanis , Angeliki Adamidou , Marianna Giannoulaki

Spatial management of discards has attracted increasing interest as a potential mitigation measure. However, most studies are restricted to commercial species. The aim of the present work was to fill this gap by identifying and mapping the spatial distribution of five non-commercial species with high frequency of occurrence in the discarded catch of bottom trawl fishery in the Aegean Sea, i.e., Brown comber Serranus hepatus, Mediterranean scaldfish Arnoglossus laterna, Red bandfish Cepola macrophthalma, Argentine Argentina sphyraena, and Boarfish Capros aper. For this purpose, Generalized Additive Models were used to account for catch dependency on environmental parameters in order to explore the spatial distribution of species. Modeling results revealed that the spatial distribution of species was driven by environmental variables. Depth was the most informative variable explaining most catch variation in all species. For A. laterna, C. macrophthalma, and S. hepatus the highest estimated values of catch were located over the continental shelf and at shallower waters inside gulfs, whereas C. aper and A. sphyraena catch were more broadly distributed across the study area and at greater depths. Seasonal variations in species catch were also observed, probably related in most cases to species reproduction period. Mapping species distribution is essential for the identification of priority areas of protection in future marine spatial plans.



丢弃物的空间管理作为一种潜在的缓解措施已引起越来越多的关注。但是,大多数研究仅限于商业物种。本工作的目的是通过识别和绘制在爱琴海底拖网捕捞被丢弃的渔场中出现频率高的五个非商业物种的空间分布来填补这一空白,即地中海的棕梳子Serranus hepatus鳞鱼Arnoglossus Laterna,红带鱼Cepola macrophthalma,阿根廷阿根廷sphyraena和Boarfish Capros aper。为此,为了探索物种在空间上的分布,使用了广义加性模型来解释渔获物对环境参数的依赖性。建模结果表明,物种的空间分布是由环境变量驱动的。深度是提供最多信息的变量,可解释所有物种中最大的渔获量变化。为A. laternaC. macrophthalma,和S. hepatus捕捉分别位于大陆架和在内部海湾较浅水域的最高估计值,而C.纸张A. sphyraena渔获物分布在整个研究区域内,分布范围更广。还观察到物种捕获的季节性变化,在大多数情况下可能与物种繁殖期有关。绘制物种分布图对于确定未来海洋空间计划中的优先保护领域至关重要。
