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A new algorithm inspired by Impala Mexican Wave with variable stride for relay node placement as a nested reverse p-median problem in disjoint wireless sensor networks
Wireless Networks ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s11276-021-02593-3
Solmaz Mohammadi , Gholamreza Farahani

In the wireless sensor network (WSN) environment, large-scale failure due to the explosion, energy depletion, harsh or hostile environments, can cause disjoint partitions and disconnect the network. In this case, relay nodes (RNs) can deploy to restore connectivity. This paper has proposed a new algorithm inspired by Impala Mexican Wave with variable stride (IMWVS) for relay placement. This method solves the nested reverse p-median problem. The purpose of this method is to reduce the number of deployed RNs and increase the robustness of the network. Also, the coverage and reliability of the method can be satisfied. In terms of the number of deployed RNs, IMWVS has 50.49 and 68.18% improvement averagely in comparison with CRP and RRLC-GBP methods for large-scale multiple partitions resulted from multiple failures, respectively.


受Impala Mexican Wave启发的变步幅新算法,用于不相交无线传感器网络中作为嵌套反向p中值问题的中继节点放置

在无线传感器网络(WSN)环境中,由于爆炸,能量消耗,恶劣或恶劣的环境引起的大规模故障可能导致分区脱节并断开网络连接。在这种情况下,可以部署中继节点(RN)以恢复连接性。本文提出了一种新的算法,该算法受Impala Mexican Wave的启发,采用可变步幅(IMWVS)进行继电器放置。此方法解决了嵌套反向p中值问题。此方法的目的是减少已部署RN的数量并提高网络的健壮性。而且,可以满足该方法的覆盖范围和可靠性。就部署的RN数量而言,与CRP和RRLC-GBP方法相比,对于因多个故障而导致的大规模多个分区,IMWVS分别平均提高了50.49和68.18%。
