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Intelligent environments for all: a path towards technology-enhanced human well-being
Universal Access in the Information Society ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s10209-021-00797-0
Laura Burzagli 1 , Pier Luigi Emiliani 1 , Margherita Antona 2 , Constantine Stephanidis 2, 3

Emerging intelligent environments are considered to offer significant opportunities to positively impact human life, both at an individual and at a societal level, and in particular to provide useful means to support people in their daily life activities and thus improve well-being for everybody, especially for older people and for people with limitations of activities. In this context, accessibility and usability, although necessary, are not sufficient to ensure that applications and services are appropriately designed to satisfy human needs and overcome potential functional limitations in the execution of everyday activities fundamental for well-being. This position paper puts forward the claim that, in order to achieve the above objective, it is necessary that: (i) the design of Assistive Intelligent Environments is centered around the well-being of people, roughly intended as the possibility of executing the (everyday) human activities necessary for living (independently), thus emphasizing usefulness in addition to usability; (ii) the technological environment is orchestrated around such activities and contains knowledge about how they are performed and how people need to be supported to perform them; (iii) the environment makes use of monitoring and reasoning capabilities in order to adapt, fine-tune and evolve over time the type and level of support provided, and this process takes place considering ethical values; (iv) the applications must also support the possibility of contact with other people, who in many cases may be the only effective help. Moving forward from the Design for All paradigm, this paper discusses how the latter can be revisited under the perspective of technology’s usefulness and contribution to human well-being. Subsequently, it introduces a practical notion of well-being based on the ICF classification of human functions and activities and discusses how such notion can constitute the starting point and the focus of design approaches targeted to assist people in their everyday life mainly (but not exclusively) in the home environment. As a subsequent step, the need for integrating Artificial Intelligence capabilities in assistive intelligent environments is discussed, based on the complexity of the human problems to be addressed and the diversity of the types of support needed. The proposed approach is exemplified and illustrated through the experience acquired in the development of four applications, addressing vital aspects of human life, namely nutrition, stress management, sleep management and counteracting loneliness. Finally, based on the acquired experience, the need to take into account ethical values in the development of assistive intelligent environments is discussed.



新兴的智能环境被认为提供了重要的机会,可以在个人和社会层面对人类生活产生积极影响,特别是提供有用的手段来支持人们的日常生活活动,从而改善每个人的福祉,尤其是对于老年人和活动受限的人。在这种情况下,可访问性和可用性虽然是必要的,但不足以确保应用程序和服务被适当地设计以满足人类需求并克服在执行对幸福至关重要的日常活动中的潜在功能限制。本立场文件提出的主张是,为了实现上述目标,有必要:(i)辅助智能环境的设计以人的福祉为中心,粗略意指为(独立地)执行(日常)人类生活所必需的活动的可能性,因此除了可用性之外,还强调有用性;(ii) 技术环境是围绕这些活动精心安排的,并包含有关如何执行这些活动以及需要如何支持人们来执行这些活动的知识;(iii) 环境利用监测和推理能力,以便随着时间的推移适应、微调和发展所提供支持的类型和水平,并且在考虑道德价值观的情况下进行此过程;(iv) 申请还必须支持与其他人联系的可能性,在许多情况下,这些人可能是唯一有效的帮助。从面向所有人的设计向前迈进本文讨论了如何从技术对人类福祉的有用性和贡献的角度重新审视后者。随后,它介绍了基于 ICF 对人类功能和活动的分类的幸福感的实用概念,并讨论了这种概念如何构成旨在帮助人们日常生活的设计方法的起点和重点(但不限于) 在家庭环境中。作为后续步骤,基于要解决的人类问题的复杂性和所需支持类型的多样性,讨论了在辅助智能环境中集成人工智能功能的必要性。通过在开发四个应用程序中获得的经验来举例说明建议的方法,营养压力管理睡眠管理对抗孤独感。最后,基于获得的经验,讨论了在开发辅助智能环境时考虑道德价值观的必要性。
