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Source of selenium in Handan geochemical anomaly belt: Evidences from petrology and geochemistry of Upper Paleozoic in western Handan, China
Journal of Geochemical Exploration ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gexplo.2021.106770
Minmin Zhang , Yuzhuang Sun

Handan lies in a geochemical anomaly belt characterized by enrichment of selenium (Se) in rock, soil, and water, contrasted with deficiency of Se in the North China Plain. In this study, 27 environmental soil samples and 96 rock samples in the Upper Paleozoic were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for major and trace element concentrations to determine the source of Se in the environment.

Se concentrations in soil vary from 0.054 μg/g to 2.869 μg/g, with an average of 0.598 μg/g. Ignoring the anthropogenic contamination, Se concentrations in soils elevate with the decrease of distance from outcrops in Mountain Zishan (Mt. Zishan). There is a strong positive correlation between Se and Al2O3 (r = 0.679, P < 0.01, n = 27), and between Se and TiO2 (r = 0.638, P < 0.05, n = 27). Furthermore, Se is significantly negatively correlated with MgO, Na2O, K2O, and Sr (r = −0.674, −0.755, −0.716, −0.739, respectively, P < 0.01 for all, n = 27). It indicates that Se in the soil is derived from weathering products.

Se is the most highly enriched trace element within Upper Paleozoic, which is composed of Benxi Formation (BX Fm.), Taiyuan Formation (TY Fm.), Shanxi Formation (SX Fm.), and Shihezi Formation (SHZ Fm.), in outcrops in Mt. Zishan area, western Handan. Se concentrations of rock samples vary from 0.021 μg/g to 4.971 μg/g, with an average of 0.401 μg/g. The maximum of Se concentration is 99.41 times higher than the Upper Continental Crust (UCC). The order of the rest trace elements enrichment degrees is S > Pb > As > Ga > Li > Bi > Th > Sc > In > U > Cd > Y > Rb > Ba > Cr > V > Be > Cs > Ni > Zn > Tl > Sr > Co > Mo > Cu. Se enrichment appears in two types of rocks, which are gray clay rocks and black mudstones and shales (including coal and gangue). Stratigraphically, Se is more highly enriched in TY Fm. and SX Fm., with average enrichment factor (EF) values of 14.64 and 5.59, respectively.

Chemical index of alteration (CIA) and several environmentally sensitive elements, such as Th, U, Sr, Ba, V, Cr, and Ce, were employed for sedimentary environment analysis. The results revealed that Se-enriched rocks were deposited mainly in a weak, reducing freshwater environment, and their sediments were subject to an intermediate chemical weathering process. The discrimination diagrams of SiO2-TiO2, F1-F2, ∑REE-La/Yb, and La/Sc-Co/Th indicate that the terrestrial clastic sediments were dominated by multiple types of original rocks. Se-laden clastic materials derived from mafic and ultramafic rocks in Yinshan ancient land provided main source of Se in Upper Paleozoic in western Handan, and adsorption of clayey and organic materials and biological accumulation induced Se enrichment ultimately.




土壤中的硒浓度从0.054μg/ g到2.869μg/ g不等,平均为0.598μg/ g。忽略人为污染,紫山(紫山)土壤中的硒浓度随距露头距离的减小而升高。Se和Al 2 O 3之间r  = 0.679,P  <0.01,n  = 27)之间以及Se和TiO 2之间(r  = 0.638,P  <0.05,n  = 27)之间有很强的正相关关系。此外,Se与MgO,Na 2 O,K 2 O和Sr显着负相关(r分别 为-0.674,-0.755,-0.716和-0.739,P  <0.01,n = 27)。这表明土壤中的硒源自风化产物。

硒是上古生界中最富集的微量元素,由本溪组(BX Fm。),太原组(TY Fm。),山西组(SX Fm。)和石河子组(SHZ Fm。)组成。芒特山的露头 邯郸市西部紫山地区。岩石样品中的硒浓度从0.021微克/克到4.971微克/克不等,平均为0.401微克/克。硒的最大浓度比上地壳(UCC)高99.41倍。其余微量元素富集度的顺序为S> Pb> As> Ga> Li> Bi> Th> Sc> In> U> Cd> Y> Rb> Ba> Cr> V> Be> Cs> Ni> Zn> Tl> Sr> Co> Mo> Cu。硒富集出现在两种类型的岩石中,即灰色粘土岩石和黑色泥岩和页岩(包括煤和煤石)。在地层上,硒在TY Fm中含量更高。和SX Fm。,平均富集因子(EF)值分别为14.64和5.59。

化学沉积变化指数(CIA)和几种对环境敏感的元素(例如Th,U,Sr,Ba,V,Cr和Ce)被用于沉积环境分析。结果表明,富硒岩石主要沉积在弱,淡水环境中,其沉积物经历了中等化学风化作用。SiO 2 -TiO 2,F 1 -F 2的判别图,∑REE-La / Yb和La / Sc-Co / Th表明,陆相碎屑沉积物以多种原始岩石为主。印山古陆镁铁质和超镁铁质岩中富硒碎屑物质是邯郸西部上古生界硒的主要来源,黏土和有机质的吸附以及生物富集最终导致富硒。
