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Cleaning up our acts: Psychological interventions to reduce engine idling and improve air quality
Journal of Environmental Psychology ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2021.101587
Dominic Abrams , Fanny Lalot , Tim Hopthrow , Anne Templeton , Ben Steeden , Hilal Özkeçeci , Hirotaka Imada , Sarah Warbis , Dominic Sandiford , Rose Meleady , Emily Fell , Zoe Abrams , Alice Abrams , Xue Qing Ngan , Stephanie Celina , Alize Tanyeri , Molly Gammon , Benjamin Abrams , Liliann Fischer , Sophie Drysdale , Riska Dewi , Ana Leite , Ashley Mills , Stephen Peckham

A large-scale field experiment tested psychological interventions to reduce engine idling at long-wait stops. Messages based on theories of normative influence, outcome efficacy, and self-regulation were displayed approaching railway crossing on street poles. Observers coded whether drivers (N = 6,049) turned off their engine while waiting at the railway crossings (only 27.2% did so at baseline). Automatic air quality monitors recorded levels of pollutants during barrier down times. To different degrees, the social norm and outcome efficacy messages successfully increased the proportion of drivers who turned off their engines (by 42% and 25%, respectively) and significantly reduced concentrations of atmospheric particulate matter (PM2.5) two meters above ground level. Thus, the environment was improved through behavior change. Moreover, there was an ‘accelerator effect’, in line with theories of normative influence whereby the social norm message was increasingly effective as the volume of traffic increased. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.



一项大规模的现场试验测试了心理干预措施,以减少长时间等待时发动机的空转。基于规范影响力,结果效力和自我调节的理论的消息在接近两极的铁路道口时被显示出来。观察员对驾驶员(N = 6,049)在铁路道口等待时是否关闭了发动机进行了编码(基线时只有27.2%的驾驶员这样做)。自动空气质量监控器在障碍物停机时间内记录的污染物水平。社会规范和结果功效信息在不同程度上成功提高了关闭引擎的驾驶员比例(分别增加了42%和25%),并显着降低了大气颗粒物的浓度(PM 2.5)),离地面2米。因此,通过改变行为改善了环境。此外,根据规范影响理论,存在“加速器效应”,即随着交通量的增加,社会规范信息越来越有效。理论和实践意义进行了讨论。
