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The late Miocene Beli Breg Basin (Bulgaria): palaeoecology and climate reconstructions based on pollen data
Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s12549-020-00475-8
Dimiter Ivanov , Torsten Utescher , Nadejda Djorgova , Vladimir Bozukov , A. Rahman Ashraf

Late Miocene sediments from the Beli Breg Coal Basin, Western Bulgaria, were investigated using spore-pollen analysis. Based on palynological characteristics, we describe dynamics and development of vegetation in the studied basin. The main types of palaeocoenoses are distinguished. The fossil flora is characterised by a variable structure of plant communities and diversity of dominant species. In general, the warm temperate representatives of the genera Quercus, Castanea, Corylopsis, Ulmus, and Carya dominated the composition of mixed mesophytic forest palaeocoenoses. Climate data reconstructed using the Coexistence Approach method show that the climate was of a moderately warm type, with a mean annual temperature of ca. 16 °C and temperatures ca. 4 °C by mean in the winter season, thus providing very favourable climatic conditions for the distribution of warm temperate vegetation. The established values for precipitation of about 1000 mm annually indicate the presence not only of a warm but also humid climate, with low seasonality and relatively short dry period.



使用孢粉分析研究了来自西保加利亚Beli Breg煤盆地的中新世晚期沉积物。基于孢粉学特征,我们描述了被研究盆地中植被的动态和发展。区分了古朴的主要类型。化石植物群的特征在于植物群落结构的变化和优势物种的多样性。通常,QuercusCastaneaCorylopsisUlmusCarya属的温带温带代表占主导地位的混合中生森林古生态组成。使用共存方法重建的气候数据表明,该气候属于中温类型,年平均气温约为。大约16°C和温度 冬季平均温度为4°C,因此为分布温带温带植被提供了非常有利的气候条件。确定的每年降水量约为1000毫米,这表明不仅存在温暖的气候而且潮湿的气候,且季节性较低,干燥期相对较短。
