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Embedding smart technologies in accounting to meet global irrigation challenges
Meditari Accountancy Research ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-29 , DOI: 10.1108/medar-03-2020-0835
Joanne Louise Tingey-Holyoak , John Dean Pisaniello , Peter Buss


Agriculture is under pressure to produce more food under increasingly variable climate conditions. Consequently, producers need management innovations that lead to improved physical and financial productivity. Currently, farm accounting technologies lack the sophistication to allow producers to analyse productivity of water. Furthermore water-related agricultural technology (“agtech”) systems do not readily link to accounting innovations. This study aims to establish a conceptual and practical framework for linking temporal, biophysical and management decision-making to accounting by develop a soil moisture and climate monitoring tool.


The paper adopts an exploratory mixed-methods approach to understand supply of and demand for water accounting and water-related agtech; and bundling these innovations with farm accounting to generate a stable tool with the ability to improve agricultural practices over time. Three phases of data collection are the focus here: first, a desk-based review of water accounting and water technology – including benchmarking of key design characteristics of these methods and key actor interviews to verify and identify trends, allowing for conceptual model development; second, a producer survey to test demand for the “bundled” conceptual model; third and finally, a participant-based case study in potato-farming that links the data from direct monitoring and remote sensing to farm accounts.


Design characteristics of water accounting and agtech innovations are bundled into an overall irrigation decision-making conceptual model based on in-depth review of available innovations and verification by key actors. Producer surveys suggest enough demand to pursue practical bundling of these innovations undertaken by developing an integrated accounting, soil moisture and climate monitoring tool on-farm. Productivity trends over two seasons of case study data demonstrate the pivotal role of accounting in leading to better technical irrigation decisions and improving water productivity.


The model can assist practitioners to gauge strengths and weaknesses of contemporary water accounting fads and fashions and potential for innovation bundling for improved water productivity. The practical tool demonstrates how on-farm irrigation decision-making can be supported by linking farm accounting systems and smart technology




在不断变化的气候条件下,农业承受着生产更多粮食的压力。因此,生产者需要管理创新,以提高物理和财务生产率。当前,农业会计技术缺乏使生产者分析水生产率的复杂性。此外,与水有关的农业技术(“ agtech”)系统不容易与会计创新联系在一起。本研究旨在通过开发土壤水分和气候监测工具,建立一个将时间,生物物理和管理决策与核算联系起来的概念和实践框架。






