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Procedure model to integrate digital elements into lean production systems
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-30 , DOI: 10.1108/ijqss-03-2020-0047
Christoffer Rybski , Roland Jochem


Industry 4.0 is one of the most used terms in the current industrial discussion. There are several perspectives and approaches related to Industry 4.0 so far, but no universal definition. Often-mentioned basic requirements to “implement” Industry 4.0 are lean and well-organized processes. In the past and still until today, a lot of companies try to implement lean production systems (LPS) according to the example of Toyota to realize a systematic approach to ensure well-organized processes. The process model aims to support organizations to integrate Industry 4.0 elements into LPS, regardless of the size of the organization. The purpose of this paper to describe a model as a first basis for further elaborations that could focus on the detailed design of each model-phases. Furthermore, the identified digital elements of Industry 4.0 build a first foundation to choose pilot projects related to existing challenges of the organizations LPS. In this context, especially the suitability of LPS and Industry 4.0 elements should be further investigated.


To investigate the current status regarding the realization of Industry 4.0 approaches and related challenges in the German industry, the two authors realized a survey with over 300 participants from different sectors and company sizes, using an online questionnaire. The results of the survey will be a part of this paper and a technology analysis, which was the outcome of an extensive literature analysis. The results were summarized in a model to integrate digital elements into existing LPS. Practitioners can use the process model as a first orientation to integrate industry 4.0 technologies into their existing LPS, based on specific challenges with their LPS processes.


Even if most of the participating German companies recognize Industry 4.0 as an important or very important topic, many of them do not consider themselves well prepared. The participants see huge challenges with regard to the needed qualifications and investments Industry 4.0 requires. In general, the companies hope to improve productivity and customer satisfaction to name two main objectives of the implementation of digital elements of Industry 4.0. In addition to the survey, a profound literature analysis was made and identified eight core digital elements. On this basis a milestone-based model to integrate these digital elements into existing LPS was developed.


This paper considers results from a study and analysis regarding the potentials of digital elements of Industry 4.0 for production system from different angles and introduces a model for integrating these elements.




工业4.0是当前工业讨论中最常用的术语之一。到目前为止,与工业4.0相关的观点和方法有很多种,但是还没有统一的定义。通常提到的“实施”工业4.0的基本要求是精益和组织良好的过程。在过去直到今天,许多公司都尝试以丰田为例实施精益生产系统(LPS),以实现一种系统化的方法来确保流程组织得井井有条。流程模型旨在支持组织将Industry 4.0元素集成到LPS中,而不管组织的规模如何。本文的目的是将模型描述为进一步阐述的第一个基础,以进一步着重于每个模型阶段的详细设计。此外,还确定了行业4的数字元素。0为选择与组织LPS的现有挑战相关的试点项目奠定了第一个基础。在这种情况下,尤其应进一步研究LPS和工业4.0元素的适用性。






