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Western Medicine in French Pondichéry (1690-1954)
Indian Journal of History of Science ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-01 , DOI: 10.16943/ijhs/2017/v52i3/49159
Ramya Raman , Anantanarayanan Raman

The European practice of health management in the French territories across the world was first established in Pondichéry, India. From Pondichéry, health management practice gradually spread to other French colonies within India and elsewhere. A western-medicine based hospital managed by the Jesuits existed in the 1690s in Pondichéry. L’Hôpital Militaire — a formal and larger establishment situated close to the French East-India Company Garden — came up close to l’Église Sacré Cœur de Jésus in 1738. From 1742 a hospital functioned in Ôzhukarai, a village six km north of Pondichéry’s central business district, managed by the missionaries of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, which included 10 rooms to help the sick. This Capuchins-managed hospital was refurbished in the mid-1760s. L’Hôpital Pondichéry (the Pondichéry Hospital) came up in 1853. The French Government at Pondichéry established le Ministerè de la Santé (Department of Health) as its administrative component in 1863. A dedicated facility to train pharmacists and midwives started in 1905 and 1912, respectively. Radiology, surgical, and maternity wards were established in 1913, 1926, and 1937, respectively. After 1961, this facility was rebuilt as a contemporary hospital and the medical college was located to the northwest of the town in the Jawaharlal Institute of Post-graduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) campus. The first formal medical school among all the French colonies was established in Pondichéry aligning with colonization by the French in the 19th century. L’École de Médicine de Pondichéry (l’ÉMP) was launched during the leadership of Napoléon Bontemps (Governor-General of French-India Territories) in 1863, under the superintendence of Jean Baptiste Jules Beaujean. L’ÉMP trained mostly Indians enabling them to become midwives, health inspectors, and vaccinators, besides doctors. During early days, the student number in medicine never exceeded six and they were trained for three years. In later years the number of years of training was modified to five, after which students received the title Docteur Médecin. Medical curriculum at l’ÉMP corresponded to that offered in France and was governed by the rules of Bureau de Santé Français in Paris. A few of the early Indian graduates of l’ÉMP were Paramananda Mariadassou, Amala Mariadassou, and Marcelin Ponnupillai Tirouvanziam, who practiced medicine in Pondichéry and nearby Karaikãl, another French territory. The present paper also speaks of the attitude of French surgeons towards Indian traditional medical knowledge, the trailblazing discovery of the active principle vallãrine from a local plant Hydocotyle asiatica (vallãrai, Tamil) by Jules Lépine, a pharmacien attached to Pondichéry Health Service in the 19th century, appointments of health officers in government service, and the establishment of para-medical and exploratory medical facilities viewed against similar features of Madras Medical Service.



欧洲在全世界法国领土上进行健康管理的做法最早是在印度的庞迪榭里建立的。从Pondichéry开始,健康管理实践逐渐传播到印度和其他地方的其他法国殖民地。1690年代,本地治里市存在由耶稣会士管理的西医医院。L'HôpitalMilitaire是一个正式且规模较大的机构,靠近法国东印度公司花园,于1738年靠近l'ÉgliseSacréCœurdeJésus。1742年起,一家医院在Ôzhukarai开业,, zhukarai是朋迪榭里以北6公里的村庄中央商务区,由男修道士小修道士勋章的传教士管理,其中包括10个可帮助病人的房间。这家由Capuchins管理的医院在1760年代中期进行了翻新。L'HôpitalPondichéry(本地治医院)于1853年成立。法国政府在Pondichéry于1863年成立了卫生大臣(LeMinistryèdelaSanté)作为其行政部门。专门的培训药剂师和助产士的设施分别于1905年和1912年开始。放射病房,外科病房和产科病房分别于1913年,1926年和1937年成立。1961年之后,该设施被重建为当代医院,而医学院位于该镇的西北部,位于贾瓦哈拉尔医学医学研究生和研究学院(JIPMER)校园。在法国殖民地中建立的第一所正规医学院是在Pondichéry建立的,与19世纪法国人的殖民化相吻合。蓬迪谢里医学城(l'ÉMP)于1863年在拿破仑·邦坦普(NapoléonBontemps)(法属印度领土总督)领导期间成立,在让·巴蒂斯特(Jean Baptiste Jules Beaujean)的监督下。L'ÉMP培训了大多数印度人,使他们除了医生之外,还成为了助产士,卫生检查员和疫苗接种者。在早期,医学专业的学生人数从未超过六名,他们接受了三年的培训。在随后的几年中,培训的年限更改为五年,之后,学生获得了医学博士学位。l'ÉMP的医学课程与法国的课程相对应,并受巴黎法兰西圣弗朗西斯科局(Bureau deSantéFrançais)规章制度的约束。'MP的印度早期毕业生中有几名是Paramananda Mariadassou,Amara Mariadassou和Marcelin Ponnupillai Tirouvanziam,他们在Pondichéry和附近的另一个法国领土Karaikãl从事医学工作。