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An Investigation into Ancient Greco-Indian Medical Exchanges: Sostratus vs Suśruta
Indian Journal of History of Science ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-01 , DOI: 10.16943/ijhs/2019/v54i2/49659
Vijaya Jayant Deshpande

Greco-Indian contacts which go back to the sixth century BCE became intensified after Alexander’s Asian conquest. There are similarities between the description of surgical procedures in famous Greek and Indian works. Whether ancient Greek and Indian medicine and especially surgery were interdependent in their development is a long-standing problem. First/second century CE Roman authors viz. Celsus, Soranus and Galen allude to a surgeon named Sostratus. Sostratus’ period is close to that of Suśruta, so is his surgical expertise as alluded to by ancient authors. The names ‘Sostratus’ and ‘Suśruta’ are phonetically similar. Therefore, several possibilities come up. Either they were different persons and developed their comparable methods independent of each other, or Sostratus’s innovations were incorporated by the Indians under Suśruta’s name, or vice versa. In any case it is an interesting topic that needs further research.


古代希腊-印度医疗交流的调查:Sostratus vsSuśruta

亚历山大(Alexander)对亚洲的征服之后,可以追溯到公元前六世纪的古印度与印度的联系得到加强。在著名的希腊和印度著作中,对手术程序的描述之间存在相似之处。一个长期存在的问题是古希腊和印度医学尤其是外科手术在其发展中是否相互依存。公元一世纪/二世纪罗马作家即。Celsus,Soranus和Galen暗指一位名叫Sostratus的外科医生。Sostratus的时期接近Suśruta的时期,古代作家所暗示的他的外科专业知识也是如此。名称“ Sostratus”和“Suśruta”在语音上相似。因此,出现了几种可能性。要么他们是不同的人,并且彼此独立地发展了他们的可比方法,要么印度人以苏希鲁塔的名字将Sostratus的创新纳入了自己的行列,或相反亦然。无论如何,这是一个有趣的话题,需要进一步研究。