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Public Relations Inquiry ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-25 , DOI: 10.1177/2046147x20987951
Magda Pieczka

As I write this editorial, the end of the extraordinary and testing year 2020 is now very near. Normally, as the editor introducing a new issue of the journal, I highlight the important themes running through the articles collected in the issue and reflect on the scholarship we publish as representing a coherent and orderly processes of inquiry. This issue, however, eludes such discipline. And so, we start 2021, our 10th year and 10th volume, with a diversity of places, cultures, and topics. This issue presents the work of scholars from the Global North and South; from multimodal discourse analysis to quantitative analysis of surveys; from public diplomacy, public engagement, through dark tourism, public relations in Ghana, to new directions in public relations theory.


