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Public Relations Inquiry ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-15 , DOI: 10.1177/2046147x20923209
Magda Pieczka

This issue consists of four articles and two topics: social change and social media. The first two papers tackle the question of public relations and social change from two different angles. To put it very simply: the first argues that publicity can perform an important role in activism; the second argues that corporate activism boils down to self-publicity. The remaining two articles address the use of social media for organizational purposes, be they influencers and sales, or organizational image. Different as these articles are what connects them is that they both implicitly take an interest in forms of digital labour made possible by social media and activated to serve organizational purposes. There is of course much more to read and think about in these papers and I attempt to show this in my short discussion below.


