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Mental Health and Psychological Well-Being Among Management Students and Educators
Journal of Management Education Pub Date : 2021-01-14 , DOI: 10.1177/1052562920978252
Marissa S. Edwards 1 , Angela J. Martin 2 , Neal M. Ashkanasy 1

We are pleased to welcome readers to this special issue, which is focused on an important topic facing management educators today: the mental wellness of ourselves, our colleagues, and our students. We present five articles concerning the mental health and psychological well-being of undergraduate students, doctoral students, and faculty working in management and business schools. At the core of this issue is the idea of mental health, which The World Health Organization (2004) defines as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community” (p. 10). While exact definitions can vary by culture (Thomas et al., 2015), key aspects of the definition include the ability to cope with stress and sadness, enjoyment of life, a sense of connection to others, and the ability to fulfil one’s potential (O'Reilly & Lester, 2017). More broadly, mental ill-health is a term that the Hunter Institute of Mental Health (2015) defines as encompassing both mental health problems and mental illness. The former refers to issues that interfere with a person’s cognitive, emotional, or social abilities, but do not necessarily meet the criteria for mental illness; while the latter entails a clinical diagnosis and interferes with a person’s life more significantly.



我们很高兴欢迎读者阅读这期特刊,它关注当今管理教育者面临的一个重要话题:我们自己、我们的同事和我们学生的心理健康。我们展示了五篇关于本科生、博士生以及在管理和商学院工作的教师的心理健康和心理健康的文章。这个问题的核心是心理健康的概念,世界卫生组织 (2004) 将其定义为“一种幸福状态,在这种状态下,个人意识到自己的能力,能够应对正常的生活压力,可以富有成效地工作,并能够为他或她的社区做出贡献”(第 10 页)。虽然确切的定义会因文化而异(Thomas 等,2015),该定义的关键方面包括应对压力和悲伤的能力、享受生活的能力、与他人的联系感以及发挥自己潜力的能力(O'Reilly & Lester,2017 年)。更广泛地说,心理疾病是亨特心理健康研究所 (2015) 定义的一个术语,包括心理健康问题和精神疾病。前者是指干扰一个人的认知、情感或社交能力的问题,但不一定符合精神疾病的标准;而后者需要临床诊断并更严重地干扰一个人的生活。心理疾病是亨特心理健康研究所 (2015) 定义的一个术语,包括心理健康问题和精神疾病。前者是指干扰一个人的认知、情感或社交能力的问题,但不一定符合精神疾病的标准;而后者需要临床诊断并更严重地干扰一个人的生活。心理疾病是亨特心理健康研究所 (2015) 定义的一个术语,包括心理健康问题和精神疾病。前者是指干扰一个人的认知、情感或社交能力的问题,但不一定符合精神疾病的标准;而后者需要临床诊断并更严重地干扰一个人的生活。