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Faith Communities as a Social Immune System: Recommendations for COVID-19 Response and Recovery
Journal of Creative Communications ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1177/0973258620983352
Gary Gunderson 1, 2 , Teresa Cutts 3

This article describes how faith communities often function like an organic social immune system during times of crisis, particularly our current COVID-19 pandemic. We share the strengths of faith communities pertaining to healthcare and public health, as well as name the religious health assets with which faith communities and other health partnerships have to work. These religious health assets have helped the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as World Health Organization (WHO) and the National Academies of Science (NAS), imagine substantive and sustained partnerships in diverse contexts across many presenting conditions. We share how COVID-19 has affected these faith assets and offer a case study in how the Leading Causes of Life (LCL) and Positive Deviance (PD) frameworks have been implemented in faith partnerships to impact health and racial disparities in the past and now, during the pandemic. We offer recommendations on how the CDC might frame a comprehensive recovery strategy, including faith-based assets in an appropriate and sustained manner to move us towards health and well-being, focusing on leadership capacity of both faith and health domains. Finally, we suggest what not to do as part of a COVID-19 response and recovery in these partnerships.



本文介绍了在危机时期,尤其是我们当前的COVID-19大流行期间,信仰社区通常如何像有机社会免疫系统那样运作。我们分享与医疗保健和公共卫生有关的信仰社区的优势,并列举信仰社区和其他卫生伙伴关系必须与之合作的宗教健康资产。这些宗教健康资产帮助疾病控制和预防中心(CDC),世界卫生组织(WHO)和美国国家科学院(NAS)在多种情况下设想了在多种情况下的实质性和持续性伙伴关系。我们分享COVID-19如何影响这些信仰资产,并提供案例研究,说明过去和现在如何在信仰伙伴关系中实施生命的领先因果(LCL)和积极偏差(PD)框架以影响健康和种族差异,在大流行期间。我们就疾病预防控制中心如何制定全面的康复战略提供建议,包括以适当和持续的方式包括基于信仰的资产,以使我们朝着健康和福祉前进,并着重于信仰和健康领域的领导能力。最后,我们建议 着重于信仰和健康领域的领导能力。最后,我们建议 着重于信仰和健康领域的领导能力。最后,我们建议作为这些伙伴关系中COVID-19响应和康复的一部分。
