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Private Eyes in the Sky: Emerging Technology and the Political Consequences of Eroding Government Secrecy
Journal of Conflict Resolution ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-08 , DOI: 10.1177/0022002720987285
Erik Lin-Greenberg 1 , Theo Milonopoulos 2

How do emerging technologies that erode governments’ near-monopolies on intelligence information affect public support for leaders and their foreign policies? Technologies—like imagery satellites—that were once the domain of state governments are now increasingly available to commercial and private actors. As a result, non-government entities can now exercise the disclosure decision, publicly divulging information whose release was once controlled by states. We argue that non-government entities with access to these technologies serve as alternative information sources that can verify government claims or reveal activities governments have not previously acknowledged. Using original survey experiments we find that commercial satellite imagery can serve as an informational cue that shifts public opinion, and, depending on its content, either attenuates or bolsters the effect of similar cues from government sources. The findings advance debates over secrecy in international relations and on the effect of emerging technologies in the security domain.



