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Book Review: Global Nomads: An Ethnography of Migration, Islam, and Politics in West Africa
International Migration Review ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-28 , DOI: 10.1177/0197918321989619
Cathy Conrad Suso 1

Global Nomads, by Susan Fioratta, explores how people from the Fouta Djallon region of Guinea both “move and remain connected to one another in Guinea and around the world” (p. 11). Fioratta brings new insight into the detailed experiences of migration among the people of this region. Her book offers important insights into the centrality of migration experiences in attaining “personhood”—a topic that is often over-looked in the migration literature and that is particular to West African migration. Fioratta also incorporates particularly interesting details on the gendered motives and circumstances surrounding men’s versus women’s migration stories, adding to the literature in this area. Distinct topics in each chapter take the reader from political history to economic and personal migration narratives to Islam to contemporary politics. While the book is not about migration in its entirety (the theme of migration only explicitly begins in Chapter 3), there is much insight to gain from this book, which demonstrates the importance of understanding that movement not be viewed as a crisis but rather as a normal function of many societies and a common practice with social and personal meaning.



全球游牧民族Susan Fioratta的研究者探讨了几内亚Fouta Djallon地区的人们如何“在几内亚及世界各地相互迁移并保持联系”(第11页)。菲奥拉塔(Fioratta)为该地区人民之间的移徙详细经验带来了新的见解。她的书为移民经验在实现“人格”方面的中心地位提供了重要的见识,而这一主题在移民文学中经常被忽视,特别是西非移民。菲奥拉塔(Fioratta)还结合了有关男女移民故事的性别动机和环境的特别有趣的细节,为这一领域的文献增色不少。每章中不同的主题将读者带入从政治历史到经济和个人移民的叙述中,从伊斯兰教到当代政治。