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Natural, artificial or imported? Ice supplies for the German distant-water fisheries as an example of renewable vs. fossil-fuel based supplies
International Journal of Maritime History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0843871420977960
Ingo Heidbrink 1

From the early decades of the twentieth century the distant-water fishing fleets relied more or less completely on the use of artificially manufactured ice for the preservation of their catches. Large-scale fossil-fuel powered ice factories in the main European fishing ports provided the ice taken onboard trawlers before they left port for the fishing trip. When the fishing grounds of the Barents Sea and the Svalbard region were developed in the 1930s, bunker capacities of trawlers were no longer sufficient for a journey without re-bunkering coal or ice. Northern Norwegian ports therefore became regularly used as bunker stations for coal and ice, with huge natural ice factories being developed in northern Norway for the supply of trawlers. Those with interests in artificial ice production in continental Europe, particularly in Bremerhaven/Geestemünde, started a campaign against the use of natural ice based on the argument that natural ice was unsanitary and would cause bacterial contamination of the fish. Several authorities became involved and finally an expedition by the Reichskuratorium für Technik in der Landwirtschaft was organized to investigate the issue of bacterial contamination of ice manufactured in northern Norway. With the findings of this expedition clearly showing that there was no contamination issue with the natural ice, it became obvious that the whole campaign against natural ice was not guided by quality concerns, but by the commercial interests of German artificial ice producers. In the end, the whole story can be understood as a key example of how a fossil-fuel powered industry tried to push a competitor using a renewable resource (natural ice) out of the market, and how certain authorities were complicit in this attempt.



从 20 世纪初期开始,远洋捕鱼船队或多或少完全依赖使用人工制造的冰来保存渔获物。欧洲主要渔港的大型化石燃料制冰厂在拖网渔船离开港口前往捕鱼之前提供船上的冰块。当巴伦支海和斯瓦尔巴群岛的渔场在 1930 年代开发时,拖网渔船的燃料容量已不足以满足不重新装煤或冰的旅程。因此,挪威北部的港口经常被用作煤炭和冰的加注站,挪威北部正在开发巨大的天然冰厂,用于供应拖网渔船。那些对欧洲大陆人造冰生产感兴趣的人,特别是在不来梅哈芬/吉斯特明德,基于天然冰不卫生且会导致鱼类细菌污染的论点,发起了反对使用天然冰的运动。几个当局参与其中,最后由德国土地协会的 Reichskuratorium für Technik 组织了一次考察,以调查挪威北部制造的冰的细菌污染问题。这次考察的结果清楚地表明天然冰没有污染问题,很明显,整个反对天然冰的运动不是出于质量问题,而是出于德国人造冰生产商的商业利益。到底,