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International Journal of Maritime History ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-03 , DOI: 10.1177/0843871420977966
David J. Starkey , Martin Wilcox

The composition of this issue of the International Journal of Maritime History differs from its 77 predecessors in two respects. First, the reviews section is much shorter than normal due to the constraints imposed on the process of receiving and despatching review copies by the lockdown, and other measures deployed in the UK to limit the spread of Covid-19. Whereas our Reviews Editor, Martin Wilcox, has published an average of 25 reviews per issue in the seven years since he took over this post from Olaf Janzen (whose review sections were legendary in scale and scope), there are only seven reviews in the section published below. We very much hope that normal service will be resumed during the course of 2021. Second, in 2018, it was agreed with the British Commission for Maritime History that the winner of the Commission’s annual prize for the best MA dissertation on a maritime theme submitted to a UK university would be offered the opportunity to publish the winning study in the IJMH. I am very pleased that the 2019 winner, David Kneale, decided to take up this option and the dissertation he produced as part of his MA in Naval History at Portsmouth University is published in a reduced and revised form in the pages below. Drawing upon previously closed archives, David investigated the contribution of vessels and seafarers from the Isle of Man to the evacuation of British forces from Dunkirk in 1940. As well as demonstrating that universities are producing growing numbers of graduates capable of undertaking historical research and writing of a publishable standard, David’s study explains how and why the role of Manx men was distorted in ‘official histories’, thereby adding a fresh perspective to the heroic picture that is generally painted of this (in)famous episode in British military history.



本期《国际海事史杂志》的组成与77个前身在两个方面有所不同。首先,由于锁定对接收和发送评论副本的过程施加了限制,并且英国采取了其他措施来限制Covid-19的传播,因此评论部分比正常情况要短得多。自我们的评论编辑马丁·威尔科克斯(Martin Wilcox)从奥拉夫·詹森(Olaf Janzen)接手以来的七年中,平均每期发表25条评论(评论部分在规模和范围上颇具传奇色彩),但该部分中只有7条评论在下面发布。我们非常希望能够在2021年恢复正常服务。其次,在2018年,IJMH。我非常高兴,2019年的获奖者David Kneale决定采用此选项,他在朴次茅斯大学海军历史学硕士课程中发表的论文以缩小和修订的形式发布在以下页面中。David利用先前关闭的档案资料,研究了马恩岛的船只和海员对1940年敦刻尔克(Dunkirk)英军撤离的贡献。同时,这表明大学正在培养越来越多的能够从事历史研究和写作的毕业生大卫的研究是一种可发布的标准,它解释了曼克斯人的角色在“官方历史”中是如何以及为什么被扭曲的,从而为英勇历史上的英勇形象描绘了新的视角。