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Two Rājyas and a Dēvī: State Formation and Religious Processes in Central India (circa Fifth–Sixth Century ce)
Indian Historical Review ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0376983620968010
Ashish Kumar 1

This article analyses the formation of state polities in central India, where according to Ashokan edicts, āṭavī tribes had been present in the third century bce. From several of these tribes, āṭavīka-rājās (forest kings) arose by the fourth century ce and the Gupta monarch Samudragupta reduced them to the position of servants. This article argues that the two ruling houses—the Parivrājaka and the Uchchakalpa—rose to power in the second half of the fifth century ce in eastern Madhya Pradesh from āṭavīka background and erected their state apparatus similar to that of their overlord Gupta rulers. In the epigraphs of the Parivrājaka rulers, Ḍāhala region, comprising much of eastern Madhya Pradesh with Tripurī (near Jabalpur) as its centre, is mentioned as a part of their rājya. The Parivrājaka and the Uchchakalpa rājyas had common boundaries and the epigraphs indicate the presence of some territorial conflict between these two. The article proposes that both of these ruling houses, having being subordinated to the Guptas, made land grants to brahmanas and temples for the integration of their territories. The shrines of a local tribal goddess Piṣṭapurikādēvī received land grants from both the Parivrājaka and the Uchchakalpa rulers, and this paper argues that under the patronage of these same rulers, this goddess was absorbed into brahmanical pantheons as Lakṣmī—the consort of god Viṣṇu, due to the efforts of a non-brahmana individual, Chhōḍugōmika. The state formation, accompanied by cult assimilation in central India, therefore had been a complex and multilayered process.


两个 Rajyas 和一个 Dēvī:印度中部的国家形成和宗教过程(大约 5-6 世纪)

这篇文章分析了印度中部国家政体的形成,根据阿育王法令,āṭavī 部落在公元前三世纪就已经存在。从这些部落中的几个部落,āṭavīka-rājās(森林国王)在公元四世纪兴起,Gupta 君主 Samudragupta 将他们降级为仆人。本文认为,在公元 5 世纪下半叶,中央邦东部的两个统治家族——Parivrājaka 和 Uchchakalpa 从 āṭavīka 背景上掌权,并建立了与他们的霸主笈多统治者相似的国家机构。在 Parivrājaka 统治者的铭文中,Ḍāhala 地区包括中央邦东部的大部分地区,以 Tripurī(贾巴尔普尔附近)为中心,被提及为他们的 rājya 的一部分。Parivrājaka 和 Uchchakalpa rājyas 有共同的边界,铭文表明这两者之间存在一些领土冲突。文章提出,这两个从属于笈多的统治家族都向婆罗门和寺庙提供土地,以整合他们的领土。当地部落女神 Piṣṭapurikādēvī 的神殿获得了 Parivrājaka 和 Uchchakalpa 统治者的土地赠与,本文认为,在这些统治者的赞助下,这位女神被吸收到婆罗门万神殿中,成为 Lakṣm-due 神 Viuṣṣṣṣ的配偶一个非婆罗门个人 Chhōḍugōmika 的努力。因此,在印度中部,伴随着邪教同化的国家形成是一个复杂而多层次的过程。