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The Italian Fascist Community in Argentina, 1946–1978
European History Quarterly ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0265691420983747
Matteo Albanese 1

Argentina became a laboratory for a neofascist project. The country’s long and deeply rooted tradition of Peronism, its Nazi and Fascist connections, and the authoritarian and totalitarian regimes that took hold in the country during the second half of the twentieth century all help explain why Argentina offered fertile ground for this neofascist project. This article explores how Italians who migrated to Argentina for political reasons, and in search of a new fatherland, as described by Federica Bertagna, Marco Tarchi and other scholars, shaped the political debate in Argentina during the period between 1946 and the beginning of the dictatorship. It also considers how this political community established relations with other neofascist actors, individuals and groups, around the globe and with former fascist and Nazi militants who lived in Argentina.



阿根廷成为新法西斯主义项目的实验室。该国悠久且根深蒂固的佩隆主义传统,其纳粹和法西斯关系以及在20世纪下半叶在该国盛行的威权和极权政权都有助于解释为什么阿根廷为这一新法西斯主义计划提供了肥沃的土壤。本文探讨了费德尔卡·贝塔格纳(Federica Bertagna),马可·塔奇(Marco Tarchi)和其他学者描述的出于政治原因移民到阿根廷的意大利人如何塑造阿根廷在1946年至独裁统治时期之间的政治辩论。它还考虑了这个政治团体如何与其他新法西斯主义的演员,个人和团体建立关系,
