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‘There is No Such Thing as an Unrepatriable Pole’: Polish Displaced Persons in the British Zone of Occupation in Germany
European History Quarterly ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0265691420960379
Samantha K. Knapton 1

A group of Polish displaced persons (DPs) was stranded in the British zone of occupation in 1945, a smaller part of a much broader population upheaval in Europe in the 1940s that included Nazi forced labour and resettlement plans, as well as the expulsion of Germans from Eastern Europe. The relationship between British military officials, welfare workers and the Polish DPs within the British zone deteriorated quickly after German surrender. Using the issue of repatriation as a focal point, this article will explore the growing tensions between the British and Polish who had fought alongside one another and place these within the wider context of increasing East-West tensions in the immediate post-war world. As the British tendency to look upon the Polish DPs as a troublesome ‘nuisance’ can be viewed as a by-product of pressure on an economically weakened Britain straining to live up to its pre-war stature, in this context the need to help the very people who embodied the provocation for going to war became irrelevant.



1945 年,一群波兰流离失所者 (DP) 被困在英国占领区,这是 1940 年代欧洲更广泛的人口动荡的一小部分,其中包括纳粹强迫劳动和重新安置计划,以及驱逐德国人来自东欧。德国投降后,英国军方官员、福利工作者和英国区内的波兰流离失所者之间的关系迅速恶化。以遣返问题为焦点,本文将探讨并肩作战的英国和波兰之间日益加剧的紧张局势,并将这些紧张局势置于战后世界日益加剧的东西方紧张局势的更广泛背景下。