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‘Anyone who Abuses Animals is no Italian’: Animal Protection in Fascist Italy
European History Quarterly ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0265691420960672
Giulia Guazzaloca 1

This article examines the animal protection policies in fascist Italy, placing them in the more general framework of Mussolini’s political and economic strategies and the history of Italian animal advocacy, which began in the second half of the nineteenth century. Focusing on fascist propaganda campaigns on animal welfare, legislation on animal experimentation and slaughter, state reorganization of animal protection societies, which were incorporated in 1938 into the Ente nazionale fascista per la protezione animale, the article aims to show the conceptual and political basis of fascist activism in the prevention of cruelty to animals. Far from being based on the recognition of animals as sentient individuals, it was determined by specifically human interests: autarky and economic efficiency, public morality, the primacy of ‘fascist civilization’, and the regime’s totalitarian design.



本文考察了法西斯意大利的动物保护政策,将其置于墨索里尼的政治和经济战略以及始于 19 世纪下半叶的意大利动物保护历史的更一般框架中。本文重点关注法西斯关于动物福利的宣传运动、动物实验和屠宰立法、动物保护协会的国家重组,这些活动于 1938 年被纳入 Ente nazionale fascista per la protezione animale,旨在展示法西斯主义的概念和政治基础。积极防止虐待动物。它远非基于将动物视为有知觉的个体,而是由特定的人类利益决定:自给自足和经济效率、公共道德、“法西斯文明”的首要地位、