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Economic legacy effects of armed conflict: Insights from the civil war in Aceh, Indonesia
Conflict Management and Peace Science ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1177/0738894221994503
Martin Philipp Heger 1 , Eric Neumayer 2

The province of Aceh in Indonesia provides a promising case for studying the economic legacy effects of conflict given subnational district-level data on violence and gross domestic product. We demonstrate specific negative economic legacy effects of armed conflict despite a general peace dividend: whilst all districts in Aceh grow faster after conflict ends in 2005 than during the conflict, the districts that suffered relatively more from violence during the war grow relatively more slowly during peacetime than districts that experienced relatively little violence. These negative legacy effects are relatively short-lived, however, and are no longer statistically significant from 2009 onwards.

JEL classification: O40, O47, Q54



印度尼西亚亚齐省根据有关暴力和国内生产总值的地方以下地区级数据,为研究冲突对经济造成的遗留影响提供了一个有前途的案例。尽管普遍享有和平红利,但我们展示了武装冲突对经济造成的负面负面影响:尽管2005年冲突结束后亚齐所有地区的增长速度都比冲突期间要快,但战争期间遭受暴力侵害的地区相对较多,和平时期的增长则相对较慢比那些暴力事件较少的地区 这些负面的遗留效应相对来说是短暂的,并且从2009年开始不再具有统计上的显着性。

